Résultats de la recherche - 609 results

Sample preparation methods for elemental analysis in electronic cigarette aerosols: a critical review

impingers, many studies failed to validate critical steps such as aerosol recovery, blank corrections, and the extent of matrix effects. In addition, poor inorganic methodological practices were often applied, ...

The information layer: shaping data into meaning with interactive tools

health data are contingent upon a robust analytical framework. This framework encompasses essential processes such as data cleaning, validation, and the critical evaluation of bias and missing data. ...

Contextual factors influencing the equitable implementation of precision medicine in routine cancer care in Belgium

factors, identified through a comprehensive literature review and validated by a multidisciplinary group at the Belgian Cancer Center, Sciensano. An expert survey further assesses the importance and ...

VALIDATION OF A CODE-BASED DATA COLLECTION METHOD IN PRIMARY CARE for Influenza-like illness surveillance in Belgium: Protocol

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Mélanie Nahimana; Sherihane Bensemmane; Floriane Rouvez; Laura Debouverie; S Moreels; Robrecht De Schreye; Nathalie Bossuyt Source: Sciensano, Brussels, belgium (0) ...

Speeding up drug susceptibility testing in Mycobacterium tuberculosis using RNA biomarkers

transcriptional stress responses in susceptible, but not resistant bacilli, enabling a differentiation of the antibiotic phenotype in only 6 h. Validation on 238 strains showed TRAC eR- TB had 100% (95% CI: ...

Monitoring community antibiotic consumption in Belgium: reimbursement versus retail data (2013–22)

based on the two data sets were computed and validated through Bland–Altman plots and correlation analysis. Results The sales of antibiotics declined from 22.89 DID (2013) to 20.50 (2022), with a steep ...

Physicochemical characterization and genotoxicity assessment of nanomaterials using new approach methodologies

s have not yet been validated. The integration of NAM s for the physicochemical characterization and genotoxicity assessment of inorganic nanomaterials and materials containing a fraction of nanoparticles, ...

Modelling the cost differential between current and healthy diets according to household education level in Belgium.

Though needing validation, this finding is valuable for interventions aimed at improving dietary habits in disadvantaged populations. Health Topics:  Voedselconsumptie en –veiligheid Food consumption and ...

Determination of 16 Hydroxyanthracene Derivatives in Food Supplements Using LC-MS/MS: Method Development and Application.

studies. To this end, such a method, employing liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and targeting 16 different HAD s, was developed and validated in this study. Limits of quantification were in the ...

Accuracy of immunological tests on serum and urine for diagnosis of Taenia solium neurocysticercosis: A systematic review

perform large-scale evaluations whilst holding into account both optimized test performance and ease of use. Accessibility to validated tests and feasibility of implementation should also be considered. ...

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