Résultats de la recherche - 2261 results

Op 21 maart werd op Sciensano het Belgische federale project METROFOOD-FED.BE gelanceerd

via open transnationale oproepen, waarbij potentiële gebruikers van Sciensano’s diensten gratis toegang zullen krijgen tot twee diensten voor hun metrologische behoeften op het gebied van voeding ...

Network of General Practitioners

patients preceding and following a suicide attempt: observational study in Flemish general practices.  BMJ Open 2019, 9(5):e028546. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028546. Bossuyt N, Van Cauteren D, ...

Webinar on rabies + open online course

a dual yellow fever-rabies vaccine candidate based on PLLAV technology, KUL, together with Sciensano and other project partners, have developed a MOOC (massive open online course) to frame our technology ...

NEw opeN Strategy for impUrity suRveillance of commErcial microbial fermentation fooD products: Food supplements and vitamins as proof of concept

control are pertinent in terms of food safety and public health. To improve the current situation, this project proposes to develop an innovative and universal open strategy, able to monitor any type of ...

Call for application for the position of a National Reference Centre for Human Microbiology for 2025-2029 | Closed

convention period (1st January 2025 — 31st December 2029) is opening on the 1st of March 2024.  The network is funded by RIZIV- INAMI and coordinated by Sciensano in collaboration with the Medical Technical ...

Belgians debate the COVID-19 vaccination

against COVID-19. Under the guidance of a moderator and expert, they were given the chance to have informed, open and constructive discussions with each other in different small groups. Several key messages ...

My employment opportunities

projects (e.g. doctorate scholarships). These opportunities are a chance to have a first foot in the door of Sciensano and to develop your expertise in a given area of public health.  We are also open to ...

Programma PRECISION: Het Belgische programma voor moleculaire profilering van uitgezaaide kanker voor klinische besluitvorming en behandelingstoewijzing

onderzoeken van PRECISION 2 zijn:  Open verkennende fase II, open-label studie van Afatinib in de behandeling van gevorderde kanker met een EGFR-, HER2- of HER3-mutatie, gevolgd door de toevoeging van ...

From data to public health actions: PHIRI 3 year anniversary

9:00      Registration and Coffee 9:30      Opening Opening remarks by Dirk Ramaekers (Federal Public Service ‘Public Health’) 9:45      Keynote Address | PHIRI: From Data to Public Health Actions!  ...

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