Résultats de la recherche - 2261 results

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(Re-open EU website – website FOD Buitenlandse zaken) Certificaten van herstel worden uitgereikt op basis van een positief PCR- of antigeentestresultaat. Deze certificaten komen 12 dagen na de staalafname ...

METROFOOD-RI open calls: apply for free access to food safety and food quality services

high-level metrological services on a European scale. The research project now launches 2 open calls with the possibility to get subsidised access to the project’s facilities. Is your project well aligned with ...

Advanced Computing for European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)

Acronym:  EGI-ACE EGI- ACE ’s main goal is to implement the compute platform of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and contribute to the EOSC Data Commons by delivering integrated computing ...

Informatique de pointe pour l'European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)

Acronym:  EGI-ACE Le but principal du projet EGI- ACE est de mettre en place la plateforme de calcul de l’European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) et de contribuer à l’espace commun de données (Data ...

Sciensano receives BELAC accreditation for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

Sciensano becomes, thanks to the BELAC  accreditation, a leading (inter)national player in the sequencing of the genome and opens, at the same time, new research perspectives.   Type of press:  News ...

Belgian federal project metrofood-fed.be was kicked-off on march 21 at sciensano

will be achieved by means of open transnational calls, where potential users of Sciensano services will have the opportunity to access two services free-of-charge for their metrological needs in food and ...

Sciensano coordinates new European research project on the cost of air and noise pollution

Devleesschauwer, BEST- COST Project Coordinator at Sciensano. BEST- COST results will be made available as open-access tools and trialled in 5 European countries (Belgium, Estonia, France, Norway and Portugal) ...

Monitoring of Laboratory-Acquired Infections

effectiveness of the implemented protective measures (legal biosafety framework). The project report (CGM 2018-01) suggests that, in addition to focussing on monitoring, a centralised ‘open’ LAI reporting system ...

Het graspollenseizoen is begonnen

Graspollen is de meest voorkomende oorzaak van allergieën in ons land (ten minste 1 op de 6 mensen is hier gevoelig aan). Volgens de metingen van het Nationaal Aerobiologisch Meetnet AirAllergy van ...

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