Zoekresultaten - 42 results

Decontamination process for dioxins and dioxin‐like PCBs from fish oil and vegetable oils and fats by a physical process with activated carbon

process fish oil Pcbs PCDD/Fs physicalfiltration vegetable oil and fat Abstract: Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM) assessed ...

Concentrations and distribution of chlorinated paraffins in Belgian foods

1.3 to 81). In general, the greatest CP concentrations were observed in foods classified as animal and vegetable fats and oils and sugar and confectionary for both SCCP s and MCCP s. Significant ...

Food cost and adherence to guidelines for healthy diets: evidence from Belgium.

fruits and vegetables contributed less for lower versus higher educated households. Compared to individuals not meeting any nutrient recommendations (sodium, saturated fat, free sugar, fibre), the average ...

Dietary supplementation of tannin-extracts to lambs: effects on meat fatty acids composition and stability and on microbial characteristics.

evaluated; a diet without tannins represented the Control (C). Meat pH, vitamin E, intramuscular fat content and muscle fatty acid composition were determined. Oxidative stability and microbiological analyses ...

Determinants of persistent organic pollutant (POP) concentrations in human breast milk of a cross-sectional sample of primiparous mothers in Belgium

food chain can lead to high pollutant concentrations in human fat-containing tissues and breast milk. Objectives We aimed to identify the maternal characteristics that determined POP concentrations in ...

Habitual food consumption of the Belgian population in 2014-2015 and adherence to food-based dietary guidelines.

consumption of spreadable and cooking fat (27 to 19 g/d), red meat (34 to 25 g/d) and bread and cereals (173 to 142 g/d). Conclusions: The habitual food consumption of the Belgian population (3-64 years) in ...

Do current fortification and supplementation programs assure adequate intake of fat-soluble vitamins in Belgian infants, toddlers, pregnant women, and lactating women?

Recommended Dietary Allowances Solubility Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K Vitamins Abstract: Adequate intakes of fat-soluble vitamins are essential to support the growth and development of the foetus, ...

Plasticizers and bisphenol A, in packaged foods sold in the Tunisian markets: study of their acute in vivo toxicity and their environmental fate.

Tunisian market such as grain and grain products, milk and dairy products, fats and oil, drink, fish, and sweets have been analyzed firstly in order to identify the presence of phthalates and bisphenol. ...

Intake of Fat-Soluble Vitamins in the Belgian Population: Adequacy and Contribution of Foods, Fortified Foods and Supplements.

preventing high-consumers from exceeding the tolerable upper intake level. Data of the 2014 Belgian food consumption survey (n = 3200) were used to assess fat-soluble vitamin (vitamins A, D, E and K) intake ...

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