Zoekresultaten - 430 results
The GEN-ERA toolbox: unified and reproducible workflows for research in microbial genomics
genomic and metabolic analyses on prokaryotes and small eukaryotes. Although designed for routine bioinformatics of culture collections, it can also be used by all researchers interested in microbial ...
Speeding up drug susceptibility testing in Mycobacterium tuberculosis using RNA biomarkers
first identified through RNA sequencing experiments conducted on two drug-exposed, susceptible strains for four antitubercular drugs. Based on these findings, we designed drug-specific multiplex ...
Implementation of METROFOOD services in the Belgium node
are (a) reinforced, (b) well-positioned in the Belgian and global research and innovation (R&I) landscape, (c) innovative and caters to safe and sustainable by design models (SS bD), (d) robustly ...
Characterizing the extent and nature of digital food and beverage marketing in Singapore- a descriptive study
DESIGN: Advertised foods were classified as being core (healthier), non-core or mixed-dishes (example burger) using the WHO nutrient profile model and national guidelines. Marketing techniques were assessed ...
The performance of a point-of-care test for the diagnosis of Neurocysticercosis in a resource-poor community setting in Zambia- a diagnostic accuracy study.
a community setting. METHODS: A diagnostic accuracy study with prospective data collection, using a two-stage design was conducted in Sinda district of the Eastern province of Zambia between December 2017 and June 2019. ...
VERMEER FCM: A tool integrating exposure and hazard modelling for chemicals migrating from food contact materials.
developed to support the risk assessment of single organic chemicals migrating from plastic food contact materials (FCM). The freely available tool is integrated into MERLIN-Expo and has been designed in line ...
5.X.1. Co-designing for policy impact: Belgium’s monitoring & evaluation framework for cancer care & control
control in Belgium. With a view to avoiding traditional top-down approaches, it was decided that the framework would be designed co-creatively, by engaging patients and experts in the field. The aim was to ...
The promotion of ultra-processed foods in modern retail food outlets in rural and urban areas in Kenya.
retail food outlets (supermarkets and minimarts) in Kenya and associated factors. DESIGN: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Kenya from August 2021 to October 2021. Variables included the ...
A protocol for identifying the needs related to drug use, health and social (re)integration of people living in prison within five European countries
describes the design of a study about wellbeing, drug use and related care in prison. METHODS / DESIGN: A multicentre mixed method design is implemented in five European countries (Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, ...
Illegal medicines observed in the EU
the API, the presence of the wrong API or designer molecules, the presence of impurities, unknown ingredients or microbial contamination, fake packaging, non-uniformity of mass or content as well as ...