Zoekresultaten - 2757 results

The data layer: the importance of sources critical appraisal

specific to each disease and outcome of interest. This process includes a thorough evaluation of the operational case definitions, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each database, with a particular ...

Contextual factors influencing the equitable implementation of precision medicine in routine cancer care in Belgium

implementation of precision medicine in Belgium for incorporating precision medicine into routine cancer care within the Belgian health system. Methods As part of a foresight study, our approach evaluates critical ...

Metagenomics-based tracing of genetically modified microorganism contaminations in commercial fermentation products

frequently employed for the production of microbial fermen- tation products such as food enzymes. Although presence of the GMM or its recombinant DNA in the final product is not authorized, contaminations ...

The GEN-ERA toolbox: unified and reproducible workflows for research in microbial genomics

taxonomy, as exemplified by our case study on Gloeobacterales. Manuscript versions:  DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giad022 File:  Version:  Published Full text access:  Public Access Full text ...

EBoD-FL. Guidelines for mapping the environmental burden of disease in Flanders, 2024

according to a coherent framework. To tackle this objective, the disease burden attributable to environmental stressors is estimated using comparative risk assessment (CRA). As this method determines the ...

Policy brief: The need for a regional action plan for suicide prevention in Wallonia

https://www.sciensano.be/sites/default/files/policy_brief_en_belhealth_final.pdf Keywords: Policy Brief Suicidal behavior Wallonia Abstract: Suicide is a critical societal and public health concern, with far-reaching impacts on individuals and their loved ones, and society as ...

Galaxy @Sciensano: a comprehensive bioinformatics portal for genomics-based microbial typing, characterization, and outbreak detection.

pathogens with active genomic surveillance programs, and clinical relevance, such as Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp. and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. These tools and pipelines utilize ...

What makes an epidemic a disaster: the future of epidemics within the EM-DAT International Disaster Database.

and monitoring epidemics is a public health priority. Several initiatives and platforms provide epidemiological data, such as the EM- DAT International Disaster Database, which has 1525 epidemics and ...

Impact of substance type and patient characteristics on the choice of treatment setting for substance use disorder in Belgium

Patients using illicit substances like cannabis, opiates, cocaine, and stimulants are 6-12 times more likely to be treated in an SAC than those using alcohol. Factors such as income source and referral ...

Monitoring community antibiotic consumption in Belgium: reimbursement versus retail data (2013–22)

as outliers. Conclusion Our findings suggest that reimbursement data are generally reliable for monitoring antibiotic consumption, but incorporating retail data is crucial for accurate assessments. The use of ...

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