Zoekresultaten - 36 results
Sociodemographic inequalities in smoking cessation: a population survey from Flanders, Belgium
2022 Prevention Barometer, a probabilitybased survey from Flanders, were used (N ¼ 4011, 18þ). Prevalence in ever smokers was calculated overall and by age, sex, educational attainment, making ends meet ...
Individual, interpersonal, and organisational factors associated with discrimination in medical decisions affecting people with a migration background with mental health problems: the case of general practice
these patients has been evidenced repeatedly but its driving factors remain elusive. We assessed the moderating effect of the individual (e.g. age and ethnicity), interpersonal (e.g. healthcare provider ...
Impact of extreme weather events on the occurrence of infectious diseases in Belgium from 2011 to 2021.
Abstract: The role of meteorological factors, such as rainfall or temperature, as key players in the transmission and survival of infectious agents is poorly understood. The aim of this study was to compare ...
Food environment in Burkina Faso: priority actions recommended to the government using Food-EPI tool.
environment is an important factor in the efforts of countries worldwide to achieve a transition to sustainable food systems. The objective of this study is to formulate and prioritize actions to be addressed ...
Lifestyle predictors of colorectal cancer in European populations: a systematic review
population but developed elsewhere, mostly USA. All models but two reported at least one lifestyle factor as predictor. Of the lifestyle factors, the most common predictors were body mass index (BMI) and ...
What drives the long-term changes in airborne birch and grass pollen levels in Belgium?
time, primarily driven by a decreasing trend in grass pollen sources, which outweighed the impact of changing meteorology by a factor of ~10. — When considering only meteorology, a significant increase ...
First European pollen reanalysis for allergenic trees
in Europe has been growing during the last several decades. Climate change is directly affecting the main factors driving the airborne pollen levels released by anemophilous plants. A retrospective ...
Modelling grass pollen load in temperate and Mediterranean European areas based on source spatial distribution
the major airborne pollen contribution of grasses at a large spatial scale. Our findings are the basis for comprehensively study the factors involved in the long-term pollen trends of grasses by ...
Exploring anxiety and depression trends: insights from the BELHEALTH cohort 2022-2024 in Belgium
regional level. These measures should target factors such as unemployment, which is particularly prevalent among younger individuals and those living in Wallonia. Additionally, fostering protective factors ...
Disparities in COVID-19 Vaccination in Belgium
context, the present contribution investigated the association between COVID-19 vaccination and demographic and socio-economic factors in Belgium at area and individual levels. Methods: The Belgian vaccine ...