Zoekresultaten - 124 results

Clinical Origin and Species Distribution of spp. Isolates Identified by Molecular Sequencing and Mass Spectrometry: A European Multicenter Hospital Prospective Study.

identify isolates at the species level. The identification was performed by PCR-sequencing and phylogenic-tree approach. Both methods are used as gold standard for the evaluation of mass spectrometry. ...

Evaluating SARS-CoV-2 spike and nucleocapsid proteins as targets for antibody detection in severe and mild COVID-19 cases using a Luminex bead-based assay.

using a Luminex-bead based assay and comparison to a virus neutralization test. While we show that neutralizing antibody levels are significantly lower in mild than in severe cases, we demonstrate that ...

Making the case for strong health information systems during a pandemic and beyond.

between February and June 2020. Emerging themes were clustered and analysed around a WHO framework for health information systems (HIS). We analyse strengths of HIS at two levels: (i) dealing with health ...

Consumer and food product determinants of food wasting: A case study on chicken meat

The average waste percentages were small, 1.1–3.1%, depending on the packaged product, although they were not significantly different between products. Participants with low levels of self-reported ...

Position paper on the use of an “estimated acceptable concentration” (EAC) as basis for a control policy's action level for carcinogens unintentionally present in food

absence of legal maximum limits, the competent authority may act if high contamination levels that endanger public health are identified. A pragmatic approach to identify whether a value is potentially too ...

Progressive Control of Streptococcus agalactiae-Induced Innate Inflammatory Response Is Associated with Time Course Expression of MicroRNA-223 by Neutrophils.

Interestingly, the level of miR-223 accumulating in the lungs remains higher at later stages of infection (24 h and 48 h p.i.), and this correlates with reduced expression of primary inflammatory cytokines and ...

Update of the risk assessment of nickel in food and drinking water

lowest‐observed‐adverse‐effect‐level of 4.3 μg Ni/kg bw was selected as the reference point. The margin of exposure (MOE) approach was applied and an MOE of 30 or higher was considered as being indicative of a low health concern. The ...

Risk assessment of nitrate and nitrite in feed

(bw) per day for adult cattle, based on methaemoglobin (MetHb) levels in animal’s blood that would not induce clinical signs of hypoxia. The BMDL10  is applicable to all bovines, except for pregnant cows ...

Identifying implementation gaps and priorities for the Singapore government to improve food environment policies: perspectives from a local expert panel.

prioritised, and specific recommendations were proposed by panel. SETTING: Singapore. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty experts primarily from academia. RESULTS: As compared with international benchmarks, the level of ...

New QSAR models to predict chromosome damaging potential based on the in vivo micronucleus test

methods to determine the potential of chemicals to induce mutations at the gene level has been developed over the last decades. Conversely, only few such methods are currently available to predict potential ...

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