Zoekresultaten - 133 results

Urinary CC16, a potential indicator of lung integrity and inflammation, increases in children after short-term exposure to PM/PM and is driven by the CC16 38GG genotype.

CC16 (U- CC16) can be a noninvasive alternative, albeit requiring adequate adjustment for renal handling. Moreover, the SNP CC16 G38A influences CC16 levels. This study aimed to monitor the effect of ...

Avian cytokines- the natural approach to therapeutics.

environmentally-friendly alternative methods to control disease. Cytokines, as natural mediators and regulators of the immune response, offer exciting new alternatives to conventional chemical-based therapeutics. The ...

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for Conformity Analysis of e-Liquids: Illegal Additive Detection and Nicotine Characterization

1 (2024) Keywords: e-liquids; spectroscopic techniques; chemometric techniques; data analysis Abstract: Vaping electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) has become a popular alternative to smoking tobacco. When ...

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