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Zoekresultaten - 432 results
Evolutionary history and global spread of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing lineage20
p.242- 249 (2015) Keywords: Africa Allergy analysi analysis application applications article Asia association Australia Belgium Biological Evolution Biology Biotechnology Brussels care Cell CHILDREN ...
Use of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry for identification of molds of the Fusarium genus.
increasing the success rate of correct identifications to 97%. The application of our user-friendly MALDI- TOF MS identification approach resulted in a dramatic improvement in both time and accuracy compared ...
Genotoxicity testing of 3,4,5-trimethylfuran-2(5H)-one, a compound from plant-derived smoke with germination inhibitory activity.
growth of many species. Thus, smoke-infused water and the active smoke-derived compounds have the potential to be used in different agricultural and horticultural applications. However, despite these ...
Application of LC-MS/MS MRM for the discrimination of staphylococcal enterotoxins in milk
Helsinki, p.1 (2014) Keywords: application discrimination enterotoxin Enterotoxins LC-MS/MS milk Service: Éléments traces et nanomatériaux Spoorelementen en nanomaterialen Trace elements and nanomaterials ...
Comparative study of seven commercial kits for human DNA extraction from urine samples suitable for DNA biomarker-based public health studies.
targeting genetic variations, applicable to large-scale studies. In addition, successful genotyping was possible using DNA extracted from urine stored at-20°C for several months, and an acceptable yield could ...
Registre belge des maladies neuromusculaires (BNMDR) 2013 | Résultats et tendances depuis 2010
l’application web se fait par les spécialistes des 6 centres de référence des maladies neuromusculaires. Les données récoltées sont de nature descriptive et divisées en deux sections, sociodémographiques et sur ...
The Belgian Neuromuscular Disease Registry (BNMDR) 2013 | Results and Trends since 2010
the data over the last four years, from 2010 to 2013. The data is entered into the web application by the specialists of the six neuromuscular disease reference centres. The data gathered are ...
A survey on biosecurity and management practices in selected Belgian cattle farms.
have considered the implementation of biosecurity measures in the daily management of cattle farms. Therefore the aim of the study was to map the current application of biosecurity measures in Belgian ...
Evaluation of whole genome sequencing for routine subtyping of Salmonella Typhimurium for surveillance and outbreak investigation
Applications of Next Generation Sequencing for public health, Issue WIV-ISP (2014) Keywords: application applications EVALUATION Genome health investigation NGS outbreak public public health Public-health ...
Validation of a sensitive DNA walking strategy to characterise unauthorised GMOs using model food matrices mimicking common rice products
with degraded DNA. Given its specificity, sensitivity, reliability, applicability and practicability, the proposed approach is a key detection tool, easily implementable in enforcement laboratories. ...