Zoekresultaten - 464 results

Determination of the sterol compound ergosterol by UPLC-APCI-MS/MS

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Tim Reyns; Ann Packeu; Joris Van Loco; Waters Source: Waters Technology Days, Issue Waters Inc. (2013) Keywords: APCI Ergosterol Mycology WATER waters Abstract: presentation at Water ...

Bluetongue surveillance system in Belgium: a stochastic evaluation of its risk-based approach effectiveness.

freedom of infection substantiation. Field data collected from the previous year’s outbreaks in Belgium were used to determine the risk groups to be considered. RESULTS: The best sensitivities at herd ...

Quality of care of people with type 2 diabetes in eight European countries: findings from the Guideline Adherence to Enhance Care (GUIDANCE) study.

Diabetes Care, Volume 39, Issue 9, Number 2638, p.2628- 2638 (2013) Abstract: Objectives: We sought to determine levels of adherence, in eight European countries, to recommendations for the management of ...

Initiatief voor kwaliteitsbevordering en epidemiologie bij multidisciplinaire diabetes voetklinieken (IKED-Voet)- Resultaten 2011

mineure amputatie in 21% van de gevallen. De mediane tijd tot genezing bedroeg 4,6 maanden. De duur van de wonde vóór de 1 ste consultatie was een belangrijke determinant van wondgenezing. Het percentage ...

Mercury and cadmium levels in Belgian children and their mothers

girls. Fish consumption and amalgam fillings in mothers were determinants of hair mercury levels Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service:  Évaluation des ...

Urinary nicotine metabolites: usefulness as biomarkers of smoking status

concentrations of COT and HCOT were determined by online- SPE UPLC MS / MS and subsequently normalised to creatinine content. The amount of cpd was available from the questionnaires. Results and conclusions As ...

IPD-meta-analysis: dose-effect relation between cone size and risk of preterm delivery. 2 nd EFC Workshop on treatment of CIN: how to determine obstetrical and oncological safety ranges?

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: M. Arbyn; European Federation for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology Source: 6 th European Congress of the European Federation for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, Issue European Fe ...

Contributing determinants of overall and wealth-related inequality in under-5 mortality in 13 African countries

Keywords: AFRICAN at birth Birth Order Child Child survival contribution Countries data Decomposition Demographic determinant DETERMINANTS education Egypt equity father health Health inequalities health ...

Effect of saliva stabilisers on detection of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in oral fluid by quantitative reverse transcriptase real-time PCR.

spiked with PRRSV. To determine RNA stability, porcine oral fluid, with or without commercially available saliva stabilisers, was spiked with PRRSV, stored at 4°C or room temperature and tested for the ...

Equity in GP and specialist contacts by older persons in Belgium

population are mainly determined by sociodemographic and health status variables, but a certain degree ofinequity remains. The socioeconomic gradient differs in probability and intensity of contacts, ...

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