Zoekresultaten - 105 results
Perspective: Food Environment Research Priorities for Africa-Lessons from the Africa Food Environment Research Network.
Dominic Rowland; Suneetha Kadiyala; Isabel Madzorera; Adama Diouf; Covic, Namukolo; Isaac M Dzudzor; Reginald Annan; Milani, Peiman; John Nortey; Nicholas Bricas; Mphumuzi, Sukati; Kenneth Yongabi Anchang; ...
Thyroid Cancer Incidence around the Belgian Nuclear Sites, 2000-2014.
nuclear site, prevailing dominant winds frequency from the site, and simulated radioactive discharges were used as surrogate exposures. No excess incidence of thyroid cancer was observed around the nuclear ...
Remarkable fungal biodiversity on northern Belgium bats and hibernacula.
isolates. Overall, a mean of 3.7 taxa per bat was recorded, but significant differences were observed between sampling sites and seasons. The mycobiomes were dominated by cosmopolitan and plant-associated ...
Surveillance des infections respiratoires aiguës. Rapport épidémiologique des saisons 2020-2022
Abstract: La saison 2020-2021 fut marquée par les 2e et 3e vagues de la pandémie de COVID-19, pendant lesquelles le variant Alpha fut dominant. La transmission du Sars-Cov-2 et les hospitalisations pour ...
Surveillance van acute luchtweginfecties. Epidemiologisch rapport seizoen 2020-2022
Abstract: Het seizoen 2020-2021 werd gekenmerkt door de 2e en 3e golf van de COVID-19-pandemie, waarin de alpha-variant dominant was. SARS-Cov-2 transmissie en ziekenhuisopnames voor COVID-19 waren bijzonder ...