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Zoekresultaten - 47 results

Neonatal factors predictive for respiratory and gastro-intestinal morbidity after esophageal atresia repair.

until only significant variables remained in the model. Multinomial logistic regression was used to assess risk factors for different evolutions of complication. Model parameter estimates were used to ...

Tobacco, Sunflower and High Biomass SRC Clones Show Potential for Trace Metal Phytoextraction on a Moderately Contaminated Field Site in Belgium.

ton DW per ha per year. The remediation period to reach legal threshold values for the pseudo-total content of Cd in this specific soil was estimated to be at least 60 years. Combining estimated ...

Heat and health in Antwerp under climate change: Projected impacts and implications for prevention.

temperature and mortality, as well as with hospital admissions for the period 2009-2013, and estimated the projected mortality in the near future and far future periods under changing climate and population, ...

BruxAir. Short-term health effects of air pollution in the Brussels Capital Region 2004-2011: an epidemiological time series approach.

health effects, (2) optimize the statistical methodology, (3) estimate the relative risks and (4) estimate the cost saving potential. Results include (1) purchase is indeed a sensitive indicator, (2) ...

Direct cost saving potential in medication costs due to a reduction in outdoor air pollution for the Brussels Capital Region.

pollutant concentrations allowed for a multi-sector approach. Annual savings were estimated for the scenario of a 10% reduction in each of the pollutants. RESULTS: Medication purchase was significantly ...

Simulation enhanced distributed lag models for mortality displacement.

Distributed lag models (DLM) are attractive methods for dealing with mortality displacement, however their estimates can have substantial bias when the data is generated by a multi-state model. In particular ...

Scientific Statement on Presence of microplastics and nanoplastics in food, with particular focus on seafood

organic as well of inorganic nature. Based on a conservative estimate the presence of microplastics in seafood would have a small effect on the overall exposure to additives or contaminants. Toxicity and ...

Scientific opinion on the Acute health risks related to the presence of cyanogenic glycosides in raw apricot kernels and products derived from raw apricot kernels

the general population and cancer patients, respectively), exposures exceeded the AR fD 17-413 and 3-71 times in toddlers and adults, respectively. The estimated maximum quantity of apricot kernels (or ...

Scientific Opinion on the Appropriateness to set a group health-based guidance value for zearalenone and its modified forms

differences in in vivo oestrogenic potency, each phase Imetabolite was assigned a potency factor relative to ZEN to be applied to exposure estimates of the respective ZEN metabolites. It was assumed that ...

Human biomonitoring of heavy metals in the vicinity of non-ferrous metal plants in Ath, Belgium.

The purpose of the current cross-sectional study was to estimate exposure of the population to heavy metals in the vicinity of the plants, in comparison with population living further away. METHODS: We ...

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