Zoekresultaten - 231 results

Evidence for clinical applications of HR HPV testing.

Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Service:  Étude des soins de santé Gezondheidszorgonderzoek Health services research ...

HPV testing on self-samples.

Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Service:  Étude des soins de santé Gezondheidszorgonderzoek Health services research Full text language:  English Category:  C31 FOS Classification:  3.03 Health ...

Intensity of cervical cancer screening in Belgium.

cytology Flemish health Obstetrics Participation SCREENING screening coverage Societies Society Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in ...

Antibiograms of consecutive urinary tract samples in elderly

older adults Urinary Tract Infections Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Service:  Infections liées aux soins et ...

Progress Report of the ENGL Advisory group for Method validation

validation progress report report VALIDATION Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Service:  Activités transversales en ...

Infectiepreventie in woonzorgcentra

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Jans,B. Source: NVKVV vorming voor referentieverpleegkundigen in de ziekenhuishygiëne, NA, Issue Nationaal Verbond van ...

Laboratoriuminfecites in Vlaanderen: "Incidenten en accidenten: voorkomen en remedïeren"

and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Service:  Biosécurité et biotechnologie Bioveiligheid en biotechnologie Biosafety and biotechnology ...

Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in European long-term care facilities (HALT-2)

(2013) Keywords: antimicrobial use healthcare-associated infections nursing homes Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart ...

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