Zoekresultaten - 65 results

Surveillance épidémiologique des infections invasives à méningocoques- 2017

Infections Meningococcal Vaccines Surveillance Abstract: Le nombre de cas d’infections invasives à méningocoques en Belgique a nettement diminué depuis l’introduction de la vaccination contre le sérogroupe ...

Epidemiologische surveillance van invasieve meningokokkeninfecties- 2017

Infections Meningococcal Vaccines Surveillance Abstract: Het aantal gevallen van invasieve meningokokkeninfecties in België is sterk gedaald sinds de introductie van algemene vaccinatie tegen serogroep ...

Epidémiologie du VIH, Mise à jour- patients en suivi, 2016

Topics:  HIV and AIDS VIH et sida Hiv en aids Service:  Épidémiologie des maladies infectieuses Epidemiologie van infectieziekten Epidemiology of infectious diseases Manuscript versions:  File:  Version:  ...

Current levels of gonorrhoea screening in MSM in Belgium may have little effect on prevalence: a modelling study.

overdraagbare infectie (SOI) Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Infection sexuellement transmissible (IST) Service:  Épidémiologie des maladies infectieuses Epidemiologie van infectieziekten Epidemiology of ...

Virulence and immunogenicity of genetically defined human and porcine isolates of M. avium subsp. hominissuis in an experimental mouse infection

(MST) we previously identified 49 different genotypes of Mah among Belgian clinical and porcine isolates, with 5 MST s shared by both hosts. Using experimental intranasal infection of BALB /c mice, we ...

Pertussis diagnosis in Belgium: results of the National Reference Centre for Bordetella anno 2015.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Martini, H; Rodeghiero, C; C Van den Poel; Muriel Vincent; Piérard, D; Huygen, K Source: Epidemiol Infect, Volume 145, Issue 11, ...

World Health Organization estimates of the relative contributions of food to the burden of disease due to selected foodborne hazards: A structured expert elicitation

allocating resources for control and intervention, and for future research initiatives. Health Topics:  Food-borne illness Voedseltoxi-infecties (toxi-)infection alimentaire (TIA) Service:  Information ...

Survey on the Use of Whole-Genome Sequencing for Infectious Diseases Surveillance: Rapid Expansion of European National Capacities, 2015-2016.

Volume 5 (2017) Keywords: infectious disease sequencing Surveillance whole genome Abstract: Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) has become an essential tool for public health surveillance and molecular ...

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