Zoekresultaten - 829 results
Belgian primary care EPR: assessment of nationwide routine data extraction.
ever Belgian nationwide data collection network using routine data extracted from primary care EPR (upload method) has been built from scratch. The network also uses a manual web-based data collection ...
Using mortality follow-up of surveys to estimate social inequalities in healthy life years.
surveys and mortality records. METHODS: TWO SURVEYS WERE CHOSEN TO EXPLORE THE VALIDITY OF THE PROPOSED APPROACH: The Belgian Health Interview Survey (HIS) and the Belgian Survey on Income and Living ...
EPR-based, quality-related process parameters: a nationwide assessment.
observed the concordance of our results with two external databases: a nationwide reimbursement database and a regional EPR-based network. We found that only the automatic data extraction method was suitable ...
Factors associated with the continuum of care of HIV-infected patients in Belgium.
in Belgium. METHODS: Data of the national registration of new HIV diagnosis and of the national cohort of HIV-infected patients in care were combined to obtain estimates of and factors related with proportions ...
Actual and preferred place of death of home-dwelling patients in four European countries: making sense of quality indicators.
percentage of patients dying at home” and “the percentage of patients who died in their place of preference” are feasible and informative quality indicators. METHODS AND FINDINGS: A mortality follow-back study ...
Metaprop: a Stata command to perform meta-analysis of binomial data.
statistical software is needed to produce the summary statistic of interest. METHODS: Metaprop is a statistical program implemented to perform meta-analyses of proportions in Stata. It builds further on the ...
Hospitalizations of cancer patients in the last month of life: quality indicator scores reveal large variation between four European countries in a mortality follow-back study.
see whether these countries met previously defined performance standards; secondly, to assess whether these scores are related to receiving palliative care from their GP. METHODS: A mortality ...
Implementation of a quality improvement initiative in Belgian diabetic foot clinics: feasibility and initial results.
METHODS: Using self-developed software and questionnaires, diabetic foot clinics collected data in 2005, 2008 and 2011, covering characteristics, history and ulcer severity, management and outcome of the ...
Premature mortality in Belgium in 1993-2009: leading causes, regional disparities and 15 years change.
mortality in 2008-2009 and the changes since 1993. METHODS: All deaths occurring in the periods 1993-1999 and 2003-2009, in people aged 1-74 residing in Belgium were included. The cause of death and ...
Attendance at cervical cancer screening and use of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures on the uterine cervix assessed from individual health insurance data (Belgium, 2002-2006).
uterine cervix in Belgium, using individual health insurance data. METHODS: The Intermutualistic Agency compiled a database containing 14 million records from reimbursement claims for Pap smears, ...