Zoekresultaten - 844 results
Belgian national burden of disease study. Methodological framework for the projections of the non-fatal burden of disease of non-communicable diseases in Belgium.
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Robby De Pauw; Brecht Devleesschauwer Source: Sciensano, Brussels, p.23 (2024) Accession Number: D/2024/14.440/79 Keywords: burden of disease projections YLD Health ...
EU Oncology Decision Support Tool concept (CAN.HEAL Deliverable 10.1)
across institutional, national, and European levels. The concept was developed based on consultations within CAN. HEAL, insights from a European survey, and a mapping exercise of oncDST solutions, ...
Characterizing the extent and nature of digital food and beverage marketing in Singapore- a descriptive study
DESIGN: Advertised foods were classified as being core (healthier), non-core or mixed-dishes (example burger) using the WHO nutrient profile model and national guidelines. Marketing techniques were assessed ...
The use of radiotherapy, surgery and chemotherapy in the curative treatment of cancer: results from the FORTY (Favourable Outcomes from RadioTherapY) project
surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy in cancer patients in England. Data were sourced from Public Health England, using National Cancer Registrations, the National Radiotherapy Dataset (RTDS) and the ...
Patterns and drivers of excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in 13 Western European countries
NPI s while hospital admissions were low tended to experience lower gross domestic product (GDP) losses in 2020 (rho = − 0.55, p = 0.08). Structural factors, such as high trust in the national ...
DTaP Potency testing: 3R's status
(2024) Keywords: national control laboratory Network Quality vaccine Health Topics: Conformité de lot de vaccin Service: Qualité des vaccins et produits sanguins Kwaliteit van vaccins en bloedproducten ...
Flemish consensus statement on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections in older nursing home residents.
the Belgian Association of Urology, the Belgian Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics and PhD researchers based on a combination of clinical expertise, (inter)national guidelines and ...
Applying foresight methods at the national level in the field of substance use: Experience from the DRUGPREP project
approaches at the national level, to support preparedness of national drug monitoring and response systems. The DRUG- PREP partners carried out individual national exercises in six countries: Belgium, Czechia, ...
Antibiotic consumption patterns in older adults: a comparative study of people 65 years and older in and outside nursing homes, Belgium, 2016 to 2022.
antimicrobial treatments of longer duration and broader spectrum than recommended, higher rates of multidrug-resistant infections and poorer outcomes for resistant infections. Yet systematic, national monitoring ...
Best practices for lot release of mRNA vaccines
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Geneviève Waeterloos; N. Desmet; L. Stradiot Source: WHO-Network of National control laboratories for Biologicals- 6th ...