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Zoekresultaten - 403 results

Hospitalisations at the end of life in four European countries: a population-based study via epidemiological surveillance networks.

deceased practice patient (≥18 years; 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2011). Sudden deaths were excluded. RESULTS: We studied 4791 deaths that GP s described as non-sudden (66% of all registered deaths). ...

One Decade of Active Avian Influenza Wild Bird Surveillance in Belgium Showed a Higher Viroprevalence in Hunter-Harvested Than in Live-Ringed Birds.

practice, which released captive-bred birds in the wild before the hunting period. Indeed, the released game restocking birds, having an AI-naïve immune status, could act as local amplifiers of AI viruses ...

Biotech Rice: Current developments and future detection challenges in food and feed chain

& Technology, Volume 52, Number 79 (2016) Keywords: Biotech crop detection Transgenic Rice Abstract: Background To improve agricultural practices and the food/feed security, plant breeding techniques ...

HPV testing in the context of post-treatment follow up (test of cure).

heterogeneity of practice with respect to assay, number of post treatment tests, testing intervals, follow up time. While type specific persistence identified through genotyping may identify those at greater risk ...

VALGENT: A protocol for clinical validation of human papillomavirus assays.

genotyping may be useful for triage in both HPV-based and cytology-based screening. Only clinically validated tests should be used in clinical practice. OBJECTIVES: VALGENT is a study framework for test ...

Analytical performances of food microbiology laboratories- critical analysis of 7 years of proficiency testing results

main causes of analytical errors and suggests practical solutions to avoid them, in an educational purpose. The observations support the hypothesis that regular participation to PT, when followed by ...

How robust is ACTIVLIM for the follow-up of activity limitations in patients with neuromuscular diseases?

ACTIVLIM, a measure of activity limitations, when it is used in daily practice in a large nationwide representative cohort of patients with neuromuscular diseases. A cohort of 2986 patients was assessed at ...

Resultaten van de 6e nationale campagne ter bevordering van de handhygiëne in ziekenhuizen, 2014-2015

organised since 2005 in Belgium, with multiple target groups and different focus depending on the outcome of the previous campaign [7]. These campaigns aimed at raising awareness on good HH practices and ...

Overview and evaluation of 15 years of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease surveillance in Belgium, 1998-2012.

in hospitals and were captured by the surveillance system. We surveyed stakeholders on knowledge of the surveillance system, referral practices and acceptability. We compared proportions using the ...

Trends from the surveillance of suicidal behaviour by the Belgian Network of Sentinel General Practices over two decades: a retrospective observational study.

Factual Female Forecasting General practice general practitioners Humans incidence Logistic Models Male middle aged Retrospective Studies Risk Factors suicide Suicide, Attempted Abstract: OBJECTIVES: First, ...

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