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Zoekresultaten - 96 results

Epidemiology of suicide and suicide attempts in Belgium: results from the sentinel network of general practitioners.

2000-2001, the national sentinel network of general practitioners registered, for each case of (attempted) suicide, age, sex, date, place of the event, first caretaker, method, and survival. RESULTS: Between ...

European guidelines for quality assurance in cervical cancer screening: recommendations for collecting samples for conventional and liquid-based cytology.

a satisfactory conventional Pap smear or a liquid-based cytology (LBC) sample. Practitioners taking samples for cytology should first explain to the woman the purpose, the procedure and how the result will be ...

Collecting information on the quality of prescribing in primary care using semi-automatic data extraction from GPs' electronic medical records.

extraction from the electronic medical record (EMR) of general practitioners (GP s) through a comparison with a paper sheets data collection simultaneously used in a primary care research project on the ...

Moulds asthma

microbiology Moulds practitioner Practitioners Print recommendation Recommendations REVIEW Risk Factors Role SB- IM School Selection SKIN SPECIALIST specific Strategies Strategy survey surveys Test tests Therapy ...

Moulds asthma36732

microbiology Moulds practitioner Practitioners Print recommendation Recommendations REVIEW Risk Factors Role SB- IM School Selection SKIN SPECIALIST specific Strategies Strategy survey surveys Test tests Therapy ...

Quality of care assessment using GPs' electronic patient records: do we need data from home visits?

of collecting data from home visits using the electronic patient record (EPR) of general practitioners (GP s), in a context with a high proportion of home visits in primary care. Since data from home ...

An 8 year nationwide prospective registration of non-consented HIV testing in Belgium.

a representative network of sentinel general practitioners (GP s) has recorded data about requests for HIV tests, risk behaviour and the patient’s awareness about the test. RESULTS: In total 11,660 HIV tests were ...

Socio-economic differences in the utilisation of health services in Belgium.

socio-economic groups make more often use of the general practitioner and nursing care at home and are more often admitted to hospital than persons with a high socio-economical status. There is, however, no ...

Placements in psychiatric institutions, nursing homes, and homes for the elderly by Belgian general practitioners.

elderly, nursing homes, psychiatric institutions) during 1994 in Belgium. Data were obtained from a network of 143 general practitioners, which acts as a reliable surveillance system for health-related data. ...

Cervical cancer screening in Belgium.

was further limited since the reimbursement of smear taking by a gynaecologist or a general practitioner (GP) and the cytological reading are not conditioned by the respect of guidelines. This is due to ...

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