Zoekresultaten - 209 results

Felid herpesvirus 1 glycoprotein G is a structural protein that mediates the binding of chemokines on the viral envelope.

questions, various FeHV-1 gG recombinant strains were produced using an original technique based on an infectious FeHV-1 BAC clone and restriction endonuclease mediated recombination. Using the recombinants ...

Recommandations de biosécurité relatives au traitement et aux méthodes d'inactivation des déchets biologiques contaminés

questions recommandations relatives santé santé publique SBB situation traitement Type VALIDATION Waste website Abstract: La problématique des déchets constitue une des questions les plus importantes en ...

Long-term renal function after HELLP syndrome105

to answer the question whether long-term renal follow-up is necessary. Women with HELLP syndrome were compared with healthy control subjects who delivered their first child during the same period. ...

Reply to Wood WG. Questionable results--who directs the EQAS organisers?

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Libeer,J.C. Source: Clin.Chem.Lab.Med., Volume 42, Issue 9, Number 1075, p.1074- 1075 (2004) Keywords: Clinical Laboratory Techniques Comment EQA EQAS Guidelines as Topic im IS Print Quality Assu ...

Reply to Wood WG. Questionable results--who directs the EQAS organisers?117

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Libeer,J.C. Source: Clin.Chem.Lab Med., Volume 42, Issue 9, Number 1075, p.1074- 1075 (2004) Keywords: Clinical Laboratory Techniques Comment EQA EQAS Guidelines as Topic im IS Print Quality Assu ...

Extending the foot-and-mouth disease module to the control of other diseases.

questions. These epidemics showed that the use of emergency vaccination is an essential element in disease control. During the last decade the FMD antigen banks have proved to be effective and this module ...

An 8 year nationwide prospective registration of non-consented HIV testing in Belgium.

recorded and for 3628 tests the question about patient awareness was completed. Although non-consensual HIV testing (NHT) is against European guidelines on informed consent, 453 tests were performed without ...

Le protocole sur la biosécurité: test de crédibilité pour l'avenir de la Convention sur la diversité biologique?

organisms GMO GMOs guidance health Human Impact implementation Instrument International IS LE living national need ON PRODUCTS protocol questions regulation risk risks SBB situation System Test time use world ...

The Belgian Health Interview Survey

individuals are selected within families which are selected by a multistage sampling procedure from the National Register.  The individuals are questionned on a variety of health related domains: general health ...

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