Zoekresultaten - 923 results

Surveillance of Bloodstream Infections in Belgian Hospitals- Annual report 2023, Data up to and including 2022

hospital-wide CLABSI due to S epidermidis is also increasing since 2016, while it is decreasing for CLABSI due to S aureus. We also observe a long-term decreasing trend in the prevalence of methicillin-resistant ...

Surveillance of Bloodstream Infections in Belgian Hospitals- Annual report 2023, Data up to and including 2022

prevalence of methicillin-resistant S aureus (MRSA). While the NSIH- SEP register was the first national Healthcare-associated infection surveillance to migrate to the Healthdata environment in 2017, its ...

Pan-azole resistance in clinical Aspergillus fumigatus isolates carrying TR34/L98H from birds and mammals in Belgium

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Hanne Debergh; Haesendonck, Roel; Botteldoorn, Nadine; Martel, An; Pasmans, Frank; Saegerman, Claude; Ann Packeu Source: One Health, Volume 19 (2024) Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé ...

Using priorities between human and livestock bacterial antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to identify data gaps in livestock AMR surveillance

Source: BMC Infectious Diseases, Volume 24, Issue 1 (2024) Keywords: Antimicrobial resistance data gaps Livestock Surveillance Abstract: Background Bacterial antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global ...

The burden of antimicrobial resistance in livestock: A framework to estimate its impact within the Global Burden of Animal Diseases programme

Keywords: AMR AMU burden of disease conceptual framework economic impact Livestock One Health Social impact Abstract: In addition to affecting animal health and production, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in ...

Strategy to develop and validate digital droplet PCR methods for global antimicrobial resistance wastewater surveillance

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Andrea Gobbo; Marie-Alice Fraiture; Laura Van Poelvoorde; Sigrid C.J. De Keersmaecker; Cristina Garcia-Graells; Koenraad Van Hoorde; Bavo Verhaegen; Astrid Huwaert; Hadrien Maloux; Veronik Hutse; ...

Re: 'Availability of drugs and resistance testing for BPaLM regimen for rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in Europe' by Lange et al

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Friesen, Inna; Saluzzo, Francesca; Aubry, Alexandra; Indra, Alexander; Vanessa Mathys; Atanasova, Yuliana; Obrovac, Mihaela; Žmak, Ljiljiana; Pieridou, Despo; Dvořákov, Věra; Troels Lillebæk; Kum ...

How to develop a controlled human infection model for Clostridioides difficile

posing treatment challenges due to antibiotic resistance and high relapse rates. Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is a novel treatment strategy to prevent relapses of C. difficile infection (CDI), ...

Area and individual level analyses of demographic and socio-economic disparities in COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Belgium

Epidemiology of infectious diseases Infections liées aux soins et antibiorésistance Zorginfecties en antibioticaresistentie Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance Manuscript versions:  ...

Resistance Profile, Terbinafine Resistance Screening and MALDI-TOF MS Identification of the Emerging Pathogen Trichophyton indotineae

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Roelke De Paepe; Normand, Anne-Cécile; Uhrlaß, Silke; Nenoff, Pietro; Piarroux, Renaud; Ann Packeu Source: Mycopathologia, Volume 189, Issue 2 (2024) Service:  Mycologie et aérobiologie Mycologie ...

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