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Opportunities for a population-based cohort in Belgium

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Nienke Schutte; Marlies Saelaert; Petronille Bogaert; Karin De Ridder; Herman Van Oyen; Johan Van der Heyden; Brecht Devleesschauwer ...

Archives of Public Health

gezondheid en de milieu-, gedrags-, sociale, demografische en beroepsmatige verbanden tussen gezondheid en ziekten. Hoofdredacteuren: Herman Van Oyen (Sciensano) en Olivier Bruyère (Université de Liège) ...

Community transmission of influenza A (H1N1)v virus at a rock festival in Belgium, 2-5 July 200936827

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Gutierrez,I.; Amber Litzroth; Hammadi,S.; Herman Van Oyen; Gerard,C.; Robesyn,E.; Bots,J.; Faidherbe,M.T.; Françoise Wuillaume Source: ...

Mind the gap-reaching the European target of a 2-year increase in healthy life years in the next decade

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Jagger,C.; Mckee,M.; Christensens,K.; Lagiewka,K.; W.J. Nusselder; Herman Van Oyen; Cambois,E.; Jeune,B.; Robine,J.M. Source: Eur J Publ ...

The reliability of the Minimum European Health Module.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Cox, Bianca; Herman Van Oyen; Cambois, Emmanuelle; Jagger, Carol; le Roy, Sophie; Robine, Jean-Marie; Romieu, Isabelle Source: Int ...

Belgian health-related data in three international databases.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Vanthomme, K; Walckiers, D; Herman Van Oyen Source: Arch Public Health, Volume 69, Issue 1, p.6 (2011) Abstract: AIMS OF THE STUDY: This ...

Harmonising summary measures of population health using global survey instruments.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Nicolas Berger; Robine, Jean-Marie; Ojima, Toshiyuki; Madans, Jennifer; Herman Van Oyen Source: J Epidemiol Community Health, Volume 70, ...

If I tweet will you cite? The effect of social media exposure of articles on downloads and citations.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Tonia Thomy; Herman Van Oyen; Berger, Anke; Schindler, Christian; Künzli, Nino Source: Int J Public Health, Volume 61, Issue 4, p.513-20 ...

Impact of Question Wording on the Measurement of Activity Limitation: Evidence From a Randomized Test in France.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Cambois, Emmanuelle; Grobon, Sébastien; Herman Van Oyen; Robine, Jean-Marie Source: J Aging Health, Volume 28, Issue 7, p.1315-38 (2016) ...

National registries of rare diseases in Europe: an overview of the current situation and experiences.

Christiane Steinmueller; Elfriede Swinnen; Herman Van Oyen Source: Public Health Genomics, Volume 18, Issue 1 (2015) Keywords: Databases, Factual Delivery of Health Care Europe European Union Humans ...

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