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Filters: Auteur is Sherihane Bensemmane
Assessment of a code-based method compared with a questionnaire-based method for Influenza-Like Illness surveillance data collection in Belgian General Practices: Protocol, Nahimana, Mélanie, Rouvez Floriane, Bensemmane Sherihane, Moreels S, De Schreye Robrecht, and Bossuyt Nathalie , 99th EGPRN Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, 17-20 October 2024, 1 December 2024, Volume Abstract-Book-of-the-99th-EGPRN-Meeting-Budapest-Hungary, Issue EGPRN, Number 103, Budapest, Hungary, (2024)
Caring for Long Covid patients in primary healthcare: a cross-sectional study on general practitioners’ knowledge, perception and experience in Belgium and Malta., Moreels, S, Bensemmane Sherihane, De Schreye Robrecht, and Cuschieri Sarah , BMC Primary Care, 21/10/2024, Volume 25, Issue 1, (2024)
Clinicians' perspectives on routine screening for intimate partner violence in pregnant patients during antenatal care: a research protocol from the EGPRN Fellows, Çevik, Hüsna Sarıca, Bensemmane Sherihane, and Harris Michael , 98th EGPRN Meeting, Porto, Portugal, 9-12 May 2024, 09/2024, Issue European General Practice Research Network, Porto, Portugal, (2024)
Comparing the sustainability of influenza-like illness monitoring in a questionnaire-based and a code-based data collection method in Belgian general practices: protocol and preliminary results, Nahimana, Mélanie, Bossuyt Nathalie, Rouvez Floriane, Bensemmane Sherihane, and De Schreye Robrecht , EFPC 2024 Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15-17 September 2024, 09/2024, Volume, Issue EFPC, Number 113, Ljubljana, Slovenia, (2024)
Diverse roles of Primary Health Care in COVID-19 vaccination across 28 European countries – Insights from the Eurodata study, Guisado-Clavero, Marina, Gómez-Bravo Raquel, Gefaell Larrondo Ileana, Ramos Del Rio Lourdes, Fitzgerald Louise, Vinker Shlomo, Vaes Bert, Tsigarovski Georgi, Torzsa Péter, Ticmane Gunta, et al. , European Journal of General Practice, Jul-12-2026, Volume 30, Issue 1, (2024)
Épidémiologie, facteurs de risque et prévention des chutes chez les personnes âgées en soins primaires au cours de la période 2019-2021 en Belgique., Moreels, S, De Schreye Robrecht, and Bensemmane Sherihane , 2024, Brussels, Belgium, (2024)
Epidemiologie, risicofactoren en preventie van valincidenten bij ouderen in de eerstelijnszorg tijdens 2019-2021 in België., Moreels, S, De Schreye Robrecht, and Bensemmane Sherihane , 2024, Brussels, Belgium, p.50, (2024)
Epidemiologische surveillance van Lyme borreliose - 2023, Lernout, Tinne, Cuypers Lize, Bensemmane Sherihane, Dessilly Géraldine, Scohy Anaïs, Lagrou Katrien, Depypere Melissa, and Kabamba Mukadi Benoît , 17/12/2024, (2024)
Fall risk factors and prevention among older adults in primary care in Belgium, 2019-2021, Moreels, S, Bensemmane Sherihane, and De Schreye Robrecht , European Journal of Public Health, 28/10/2024, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_3, (2024)
General characteristics of the Sentinel General Practitioners (SGP) network in Belgium: short report on 2023., Moreels, S, Bensemmane Sherihane, Rouvez Floriane, Bossuyt Nathalie, and De Schreye Robrecht , February 2024, Brussels, Belgium, p.18, (2024)
The GP infection barometer: Protocol of a real-time syndromic surveillance of multiple infectious diseases in primary care using electronic health records, Bossuyt, Nathalie, Nahimana Mélanie, Rouvez Floriane, Moreels S, De Schreye Robrecht, and Bensemmane Sherihane , 99th EGPRN Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, 17-20 October 2024, 01/12/2024, Volume Abstract-Book-of-the-99th-EGPRN-Meeting-Budapest-Hungary, Issue EGPRN, Number 108, Budapest, Hungary, (2024)
Herpes zoster in Belgium: a new solution to an old problem, Nikkels, Arjen F., Schoevaerdts Didier, Kauffmann Florence, Strubbe Florence, and Bensemmane Sherihane , Acta Clinica Belgica, 23/05/2024, (2024)
Inclusion of Long Covid patients in the care trajectory post-Covid-19: evidence from Belgium, Moreels, S, De Schreye Robrecht, and Bensemmane Sherihane , European Journal of Public Health, 28/10/2024, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_3, (2024)
Physical activity on prescription in Belgium: General Practitioners’ involvement, Bensemmane, Sherihane, De Schreye Robrecht, Cardon Greet, and Heytens Stefan , 10th International Society for Physical Activity, Paris, France, 28-31 October 2024, 10/2024, Issue ISPAH, Paris, France, (2024)
Sexually transmitted infections in Belgian general practices: a nationwide continuing surveillance study, data from 2015 to 2020, Bensemmane, Sherihane, Moreels S, Lecompte Amaryl, Vanden Berghe Wim, and De Schreye Robrecht , Primary Health Care Research & Development, 17/10/2024, Volume 25, (2024)
Surveillance des infections sexuellement transmissibles. Situation épidémiologique au 31 décembre 2023, Lecompte, Amaryl, Serrien Ben, Bensemmane Sherihane, De Baetselier Irith, Van Den Bossche Dorien, Deblonde Jessika, and Van Beckhoven Dominique , 2024-11-06, Bruxelles, Belgique, p.46, (2024)
Surveillance épidémiologique de la borréliose de Lyme - 2023, Lernout, Tinne, Cuypers Lize, Bensemmane Sherihane, Dessilly Géraldine, Scohy Anaïs, Lagrou Katrien, Depypere Melissa, and Kabamba Mukadi Benoît , 17/12/2024, (2024)
Surveillance van seksueel overdraagbare infecties: Epidemiologische situatie op 31 december 2023, Lecompte, Amaryl, Serrien Ben, Bensemmane Sherihane, De Baetselier Irith, Van Den Bossche Dorien, Deblonde Jessika, and Van Beckhoven Dominique , 2024-11-06, Brussels, p.46, (2024)
SYNDROMIC SURVEILLANCE IN PRIMARY CARE, an early warning system for pandemic preparedness, Nahimana, Mélanie, Bossuyt Nathalie, Rouvez Floriane, Debouverie Laura, Bensemmane Sherihane, and De Schreye Robrecht , High-level Conference on the Future EU Health Union, Brussels, 26-27 March 2024, Issue 2024 Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Belgium, (2024)
Belgian general practitioners’ perception and use of physical activity on prescription, Bensemmane, Sherihane, De Pauw Robby, Keune Hans, and De Schreye Robrecht , European Journal of Public Health, 26/10/2023, Volume 33, Issue Supplement_2, (2023)
Caring for Long Covid patients in Belgian primary care., Moreels, S, Bensemmane Sherihane, and De Schreye Robrecht , International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC), 28/12/2023, Volume 23, Issue S1, Antwerp, Belgium, (2023)
Caring for Long Covid patients in primary health care: a cross-sectional study among general practitioners in Belgium and Malta., Moreels, S, Cuschieri Sarah, Bensemmane Sherihane, and De Schreye Robrecht , Population Medicine, Jan-01-2023, Volume 5, Issue Supplement, (2023)
Epidemiologische surveillance van Lyme borreliose - 2019-2021, Lernout, Tinne, Cuypers Lize, Bensemmane Sherihane, Dessilly Géraldine, Scohy Annaïs, Lagrou Katrien, Depypere Melissa, and Kabamba-Mukadi Benoît , 04/2023, p.8, (2023)
Epidemiologische surveillance van Lyme borreliose - 2022, Lernout, Tinne, Cuypers Lize, Bensemmane Sherihane, Dessily Géraldine, Scohy Annaïs, Lagrou Katrien, Depypere Melissa, and Kabamba-Mukadi Benoît , 12/2022, (2023)
Epidemiologische surveillance van varicella en zoster - varicella-zostervirus (VZV) - overzicht 2010-2022 en gedetailleerde resultaten 2019 - 2022, Jacquinet, Stéphanie, Bensemmane Sherihane, Smeesters Pierre, and Cornelissen Laura , 06/06/2023, Brussels, Belgium, p.17, (2023)

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