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Filters: Author is Aline Hébrant
Precision cancer medicine: What has translated into clinical use in Belgium?,
, Seminars in Cancer Biology, 2022, Volume 84, p.255 - 262, (2022)
PRECISION: the Belgian molecular profiling program of metastatic cancer for clinical decision and treatment assignment.,
, ESMO Open, 2022 Aug, Volume 7, Issue 4, (2022)
The Belgian practice and attitudes towards introducing genomics in clinical oncology,
, Belgian journal of medical oncology, 2021, Volume 15, Issue 4, p.177 - 185, (2021)
Guidelines "Gepersonaliseerde geneeskunde": Bijzondere bepalingen voor de accreditatie van medische laboratoria die Next Generation Sequencing analysen voor hematologische en solide tumoren uitvoeren,
, Brussels, Belgium, (2021)
Precision cancer medicine: What has translated into clinical use in Belgium?,
, Semin Cancer Biol, 2021 Jun 12, (2021)
NGS for (Hemato-) Oncology in Belgium: Evaluation of Laboratory Performance and Feasibility of a National External Quality Assessment Program,
, Cancers, Jan-11-2020, Volume 12, Issue 11, (2020)
Algorithms for molecular testing in solid tumours,
, Belgian Journal of Medical Oncology (BJMO, nov 2019, Volume 13, Issue 7, Number 295, (2019)
Diagnostic testing in myeloid malignancies by next-generation sequencing: recommendations from the commission personalised medicine,
, Belgian Journal of Hematology, 2019, Volume 10, Issue 6, Number 249, (2019)
Molecular test algorithms for breast tumours,
, Belgian Journal of Medical Oncology, 2019, Volume 13, Issue 2, Number 45, (2019)
Standardization of Somatic Variant Classifications in Solid and Haematological Tumours by a Two-Level Approach of Biological and Clinical Classes: An Initiative of the Belgian ComPerMed Expert Panel.,
, Cancers (Basel), 2019 Dec 16, Volume 11, Issue 12, (2019)
Opportunities and challenges in oncology and molecular testing: the Belgian strategy,
, Belg J Med Oncol , 2018, Volume 12, Issue 2, Number 50, (2018)
Roadbook for the implementation of next-generation sequencing in clinical practice in oncology and hemato-oncology in Belgium.,
, Arch Public Health, 2018, Volume 76, (2018)
The Belgian NGS guidelines for (haemato)-oncology: 2016- version 01,
, BSMO J, 0/0/2016, Volume /, (2016)
Symposium NGS 2016 - Guidelines ‘NGS in (hemato-)oncology' NGS genepanel testing (EN),
, Symposium NGS 2016, 2016, Brussels, Belgium, (2016)