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Filters: Author is Marjan Cosyns
International collaboration to improve knowledge on myotonic dystrophy type 2,
, Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases, Jan-11-2024, Volume 11, Issue 6, (2024)
RWD from Sciensano registries,
, PharmAcademy, 20/06/2024, Brussels, Belgium, (2024)
Belgian neuromuscular diseases registry (BNMDR): Annual report 2017,
, 2021, Brussels, Belgium, p.100, (2021)
Belgian neuromuscular diseases registry, information brochure for patients, 2020,
, Information brochure for patients, 04/2020, Brussel, (2020)
Belgian NMD registry,
, TGDOC Annual Curators meeting, 02/12/2020, teleconference, (2020)
Belgisch register van neuromusculaire aandoeningen, folder met informatie voor patiënten, 2020,
, Folder met informatie voor patiënten, 04/2020, Brussel, (2020)
Registre belge des maladies neuromusculaires, brochure d'information pour les patients, 2020,
, Brochure d'information pour les patients, 04/2020, Brussel, (2020)
Affiliation to the Treat-NMD Consortium Using an Agreed Minimum Dataset Allows Small Registries and Large Registries to Collaborate Together,
, IDMC12, 11/06/2019, Gothenburg, Sweden, (2019)
Belgian neuromuscular diseases registry (BNMDR): Results and trends of the 2017 data collection,
, Séminaire de neurosciences cliniques à l'hôpital Erasme , (2018)
Belgisch register van neuromusculaire aandoeningen, jaarverslag 2016,
, Brussel, België, p.80, (2018)
BNMDR, le registre belge des maladies neuromusculaires/Belgisch register van neuromusculaire aandoeningen,
, 30 ans de l'ABMM / 30-jarig bestaan van de ABMM , (2018)
Registre belge des maladies neuromusculaires, rapport annuel 2016,
, Bruxelles, Belgique, p.80, (2018)