Hantavirus ELISA (RIZIV nomenclature).

Last updated on 11-9-2024 by Amber Van Laer

Test description

Hantavirus ELISA (IgM/IgG): Antibody ELISA 

Purpose of the test

Detection of (IgM or IgG) antibodies specific for Puumala, Dobrava and Hantaan virus.

Only in urgent cases and after contacting the laboratory, the rapid test Puumala virus IgM can be performed. This test only detects antibodies against the most common Western and Central European hantavirus serotype: Puumala virus.

Criteria for performing this test in the context of reference activities

To confirm or make a new diagnosis suspecting Puumala, Dobrava or Hantaan virus infection.

Instructions for samples

  • Sample collection: The minimum amount of sample is 1ml.
  • Storage conditions: The serum sample should be stored at 2-8°C maximum, but at -20°C if possible.

Instructions for transport

The sample should be refrigerated. If the sample has been frozen

(-20°C), it is best sent frozen as well to preserve the quality of the sample. 

Unacceptable requests

Insufficient sample.
Application form not filled out completely. This is absolutely necessary. Every effort should be made to obtain minimum clinical data, including specific laboratory results from the patient (see request form). 

Turn around time (and frequency of analysis)

The test is performed once a week. 

Reporting of test results

Results will be sent via email and/or fax according to the requesting laboratory or physician’s wishes.


Is the analysis accredited?

Materials and methods

Method reference: 

Analysis categories


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