HealthDCAT-AP Specifications

Last updated on 15-1-2025 by Charles-Andrew Vande Catsyne

Public Access

Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph




HealthDCAT-AP is a health-related extension of the DCAT application profile for sharing information about Catalogues containing Datasets and Data Services descriptions in Europe (DCAT-AP) [DCAT-AP]. DCAT-AP is maintained by the SEMIC action, Interoperable Europe. While DCAT-AP provides a minimal common basis within Europe to share Datasets and Data Services cross-border and cross-domain, HealthDCAT-AP introduces a refined RDF vocabulary to accommodate the unique requirements of electronic health data. The proposal for a regulation on the European Health Data Space [EUR-Lex — PE_76_2024_INI…

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