Low prevalence of previous lower limb revascularisation in patients with diabetes and acute Charcot foot: results from a case-control study.

Last updated on 23-8-2019 by Anonymous (not verified)

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Aim: Charcot foot is a rare but devastating complication of diabetes, leading to uncontrolled inflammation and high risk of osteolysis in its acute phase. Preserved local perfusion is a hypothesized prerequisite for the detrimental inflammatory response. We sought support for this hypothesis by studying the prevalence of previous lower limb revascularisation (LLR), as a marker of peripheral macroangiopathy, in patients with diabetes and Charcot foot. Methods: Patients with diabetes and incident acute Charcot foot, but without a history of diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) (Charcot group, N=50) …

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