Last updated on 23-8-2019 by Anonymous (not verified)
Public Access
Peer reviewed scientific article
Adams,E.; Liu,L.; Katelijne Dierick; Guyomard,S.; Nabet,P.; Rico,S.; Louis,P.; Roets,E.; Hoogmartens,J.Keywords
In a multicentre study involving six laboratories, a microbiological assay was performed on three neomycin samples containing respectively, 0.12, 2.1 and 11% (m/m) of neomycin C, as well on a pure neomycin C sample. The potency was determined according to the European Pharmacopoeia method but using a neomycin B base standard. The relative standard deviations between laboratories (RSD) on the potencies varied from 4.8 to 50%, depending on the sample examined. The RSD increased with the neomycin C content of the samples and the highest RSD values were observed for the pure neomycin C sample. …