Last updated on 16-1-2023 by Jill Alexandre
Mariska Bauwelinck; Chen, Jie; Kees de Hoogh; Klea Katsouyanni; Sophia Rodopoulou; Evangelia Samoli; Zorana J. Andersen; Richard Atkinson; Casas, Lidia; Deboosere, Patrick; Claire Demoury; Nicole Janssen; Jochem O. Klompmaker; Wouter Lefebvre; Amar Jayant Mehta; Tim S. Nawrot; Bente Oftedal; Matteo Renzi; Massimo Stafoggia; Maciek Strak; Vandenheede, Hadewijch; Charlotte Vanpoucke; An Van Nieuwenhuyse; Danielle Vienneau; Bert Brunekreef; Gerard HoekKeywords
Ambient air pollution exposure has been associated with higher mortality risk in numerous studies. We assessed potential variability in the magnitude of this association for non-accidental, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and lung cancer mortality in a country-wide administrative cohort by exposure assessment method and by adjustment for geographic subdivisions.
We used the Belgian 2001 census linked to population and mortality register including nearly 5.5 million adults aged ≥30 (mean follow-up: 9.97 years). Annual mean concentrations for …