Search results - 10 results
Protection Afforded by a Recombinant Turkey Herpesvirus-H5 Vaccine Against the 2014 European Highly Pathogenic H5N8 Avian Influenza Strain.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Mieke Steensels; Fabienne Rauw; Thierry van den Berg; Sylvie Marché; Gardin, Y; Palya, V; Bénédicte Lambrecht Source: Avian Dis, Volume ...
Experimental and Field Results Regarding Immunity Induced by a Recombinant Turkey Herpesvirus H5 Vector Vaccine Against H5N1 and Other H5 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Challenges.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Gardin, Yannick; Palya, Vilmos; Dorsey, Kristi Moore; El-Attrache, John; Bonfante, Francesco; Wit, Sjaak de; Kapczynski, Darrell; Kilany, ...
Quantification of rHVT-F genome load in feather follicles by specific real-time qPCR as an indicator of NDV-specific humoral immunity induced by day-old vaccination in SPF chickens.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Rauw, F; Van Borm, S; Welby, S; Ngabirano, E; Gardin, Y; Palya, V; Lambrecht, B Source: Avian Pathol, Volume 44, Issue 3, p.154-61 (2015) ...
The combination of attenuated Newcastle disease (ND) vaccine with rHVT-ND vaccine at 1 day old is more protective against ND virus challenge than when combined with inactivated ND vaccine.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Fabienne Rauw; Gardin, Y; Palya, V; Thierry van den Berg; Bénédicte Lambrecht Source: Avian Pathol, Volume 43, Issue 1, p.26-36 (2014) ...
Efficacy of rHVT-AI vector vaccine in broilers with passive immunity against challenge with two antigenically divergent Egyptian clade 2.2.1 HPAI H5N1 strains.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Fabienne Rauw; Palya, V; Gardin, Y; Tatar-Kis, T; Dorsey, K Moore; Bénédicte Lambrecht; Thierry van den Berg Source: Avian Dis, Volume 56, ...
Further evidence of antigenic drift and protective efficacy afforded by a recombinant HVT-H5 vaccine against challenge with two antigenically divergent Egyptian clade 2.2.1 HPAI H5N1 strains.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Rauw, F; Palya, V; Van Borm, S; Welby, S; Tatar-Kis, T; Gardin, Y; Dorsey, K Moore; Aly, M M; Hassan, M K; Soliman, M A; Lambrecht, B; ...
The positive adjuvant effect of chitosan on antigen-specific cell-mediated immunity after chickens vaccination with live Newcastle disease vaccine.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Fabienne Rauw; Gardin, Yannick; Palya, Vilmos; Anbari, Sofia; Gonze, Martine; Lemaire, Sophie; Thierry van den Berg; Bénédicte Lambrecht ...
Passive protection afforded by maternally-derived antibodies in chickens and the antibodies' interference with the protection elicited by avian influenza-inactivated vaccines in progeny.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: De Vriese, J; Mieke Steensels; Palya, V; Gardin, Y; Dorsey, K Moore; Lambrecht, B; Van Borm, S; Thierry van den Berg Source: Avian Dis, ...
Improved vaccination against Newcastle disease by an in ovo recombinant HVT-ND combined with an adjuvanted live vaccine at day-old.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Fabienne Rauw; Gardin, Yannick; Palya, Vilmos; Anbari, Sofia; Lemaire, Sophie; Boschmans, Marc; Thierry van den Berg; Bénédicte Lambrecht ...
Humoral, cell-mediated and mucosal immunity induced by oculo-nasal vaccination of one-day-old SPF and conventional layer chicks with two different live Newcastle disease vaccines.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Rauw, Fabienne; Gardin, Yannick; Palya, Vilmos; Van Borm, Steven; Gonze, Martine; Lemaire, Sophie; Thierry van den Berg; Lambrecht, ...