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Search results - 18 results

Ketamine, a new (or old) kid on the block: A comprehensive three-year spatio-temporal study in Belgium through wastewater-based epidemiology

Based on reports of ketamine seizures, self-reported consumption and harmful associated health effects, there are signs of increased ketamine use. However, monitoring population-level consumption patterns ...

The promotion of ultra-processed foods in modern retail food outlets in rural and urban areas in Kenya.

Processed Humans KENYA marketing Rural Population Socioeconomic Factors Supermarkets Urban Population Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To assess the availability and marketing of ultra-processed foods (UPF) in modern ...

Study Protocol: Randomised Controlled Trial Assessing the Efficacy of Strategies Involving Self-Sampling in Cervical Cancer Screening.

urine or vaginal self-sampling kits) to reach under-screened populations and compare them with the current invitation strategy in rural departments (low medical density and low participation rate) in ...

Movements of free-range pigs in rural communities in Zambia: an explorative study towards future ring interventions for the control of Taenia solium

Dorny, Pierre; Seth E O'Neal; Gabriël, Sarah Source: Parasit Vectors, Volume 15, Issue 1 (2022) Keywords: Animals Cysticercosis Humans Rural Population Swine Swine Diseases Taenia solium Zambia ...

Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) due to the direct health impact of COVID-19 in India, 2020

to a large population (> 1.38 billion) across a wide range of population densities. Assessment of the COVID-19 disease burden is required to put the disease impact into context and support future ...

Exposure to green spaces may strengthen resilience and support mental health in the face of the covid-19 pandemic

more often used to complement mental health management in primary care, now and post-covid-19. In highly urbanised and densely populated regions, however, natural areas are usually too small to ...

The protective effect of rural life on mite sensitization disappears among urban migrants in the South of Vietnam.

prevalence of mite sensitization and its relation to house dust characteristics among rural and urban native and migrating populations with CRD. METHODS: Rural (n = 19) and urban (n = 46) dwellings were ...

Seroprevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, and Francisella tularensis Infections in Belgium: Results of Three Population-Based Samples.

for workers and 0.5% for rural and urban blood donors. Our study is one of the few providing an estimation of the seroprevalences of Bb, Ap, and Ft in three different populations in Belgium, filling the ...

Exposure determinants of cadmium in European mothers and their children.

European countries. The aim of the study was to evaluate the overall Cd exposure and significant determinants of Cd exposure. A study population of 1632 women (24-52 years of age), and 1689 children (5-12 ...

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