Search results - 55 results

Impact of environmental nitrogen enrichment on birch pollen allergy

representing the nitrogen gradient, was used to determine their allergenicity in pollen-allergic adult patients (n = 60 in total) using ex vivo basophil activation testing (BAT) and specific IgE (sIgE) ...

The protective effect of rural life on mite sensitization disappears among urban migrants in the South of Vietnam.

sensitization to mite allergens was defined by positive skin prick test (SPT) and concentration of specific IgE (sIgE)≥ 0.7 U/mL. The prevalence of mite sensitization was evaluated among 610 patients with CRD and ...

Relationship between mold exposure, specific IgE sensitization, and clinical asthma: A case-control study.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Muriel Vincent; Francis Corazza; Camille Chasseur; Sandrine Bladt; Marta Romano; Huygen, Kris; Olivier J Denis; Olivier Michel Source: Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, Volume 121, Issue 3 (2018) Abstr ...

Investigations of the relationship between airborne fungal diversity and IgE sensitization, inflammatory responses and asthma

Publication Type: Dissertation Authors: Muriel Vincent Source: ULB, Bruxelles, Belgique, p.198 (2017) Accession Number: NA Keywords: Asthma dampness IgE Moulds Health Topics:  Health and environment ...

Development of a dot-blot assay for the detection of mould-specific IgE in the Belgian population

(2017) Keywords: a Belgian Belgian population detection Development IgE POPULATION Abstract: Background Data on mould sensitization in the general population are scarce and mostly on Aspergillus fumigatus, ...

Allergie enquête 2016/3 évaluation externe de la qualité des analyses en biologie clinique

Allergie Allergy Analyses biologie clinique de EN EQA EVALUATION Evaluation externe de la qualité external IgE qualité Quality survey Service:  Quality of laboratories Kwaliteit van laboratoria Qualité des ...

Allergie enquête 2016/2 Evaluation externe de la qualité des analyses en biologie clinique

Allergie Allergy Analyses biologie clinique de EN EQA EVALUATION Evaluation externe de la qualité external IgE qualité Quality survey Service:  Quality of laboratories Kwaliteit van laboratoria Qualité des ...

Allergie enquête 2016/2 Externe kwaliteitsevaluatie

Allergie Allergy de EQA EVALUATION Evaluation externe de la qualité external Externe Kwaliteitsevaluatie IgE Quality survey Service:  Quality of laboratories Kwaliteit van laboratoria Qualité des ...

Definitief globaal rapport: allergie enquête 2016-1

Allergie Allergy de EQA EVALUATION Evaluation externe de la qualité external Externe Kwaliteitsevaluatie IgE Quality rapport survey Service:  Quality of laboratories Kwaliteit van laboratoria Qualité des ...

Rapport global définitif: évaluation externe de la qualtié: allergie enquête 2016-1

Allergie Allergy de EQA EVALUATION Evaluation externe de la qualité external global IgE Quality rapport survey Service:  Quality of laboratories Kwaliteit van laboratoria Qualité des laboratoires ...

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