
Last updated on 18-2-2025 by Marie Malingreau

General information for citizens about Cervical Cancer Screening

Cervical cancer is caused in most cases by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which is mainly transmitted through sexual contact. There are more than 150 types of HPV, a dozen of which can cause cervical cancer and are therefore called high-risk. High-risk HPV types can be detected with DNA- or RNA-based HPV testing.


Reimbursement by NIHDI

Until recently, cervical cancer detection in Belgium was performed for all ages by cytological examination of a cervical smear, for which a 3-yearly reimbursement was provided by NIHDI. The HPV test was reimbursed only after an abnormal cytology result. Adolescents (girls and boys) are also vaccinated against the human papillomavirus through vaccination programmes organised by the Federated Entities. In addition, HPV vaccines are reimbursed by NIHDI for catch-up vaccination of adolescents up to the age of 19.

On January 1st 2025, the switch from cytology to primary HPV screening was implemented. This decision was based on available scientific evidence.

  • For women under 25 years of age, screening will no longer be reimbursed.
  • For women aged between 25 and 29 years, a cytological examination every 3 calendar years remains indicated as the primary screening test.
  • The nomenclature change provides that from now on, the HPV test will be the primary examination for cervical cancer screening in the age group of 30 to 64 years, every 5 calendar years. In case of an abnormal result, a cytological follow-up examination is provided, which may or may not be supplemented by colposcopy.
  • After the age of 64 years, a one-off catch-up or exit screening may be performed if screening has not been performed in the previous 10 years; cotesting is recommended here.

All diagnostic or therapeutic examinations required as a follow-up to the screening are fully covered by the NIHDI.

More information on:

Region-specific details regarding population screening



Departement Zorg & CvKO 


Vivalis & BruPrev



Communauté Germanophone


Bevolkingsonderzoek Baarmoederhalskanker

Bruprev - Bruprev

CCRef — Centre de Coordination et de Référence

CCRef — Centre de Coordination et de Référence




Ostbelgien Live - Gebärmutterhalskrebs

* The Centre for Cancer Screening (CvKO) sends an invitation letter to all women in the target group (25-64y) and also forwards the screening result, date of last screening, date next invitation and (integrated) advice to the woman’s GMD physician (physician who manages the Global Medical Record) and; to be consulted by the women and/or other attending physicians.




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