Thu, 11/05/2023 - 09:00 to 16:00
Sciensano organises each year a scientific seminar about “Diagnostic and surveillance of infectious diseases”.
The seminar provides an up-to-date overview of various topics concerning infectious diseases such as surveillance, prevention, treatment and management of epidemics, at national and international level. It is aimed at any healthcare provider with an interest in infectious diseases: microbiologists, infectious disease specialists, hygienists, laboratory technicians, epidemiologists, public health personnel …
Have a look at the abstract book!
More info ? Please contact (02/642.57.37).
08:30 Registration with walking breakfast & visit of stands
Session 1 | Chairs: Steven Callens (UGent) & Benoit Kabamba (UCLouvain)
09:00 Welcome address
09:15 Current knowledge on monkeypox, laboratory tests, probable animal reservoir | C. Martin, Saint Pierre Brussels
09:45 Sensoa & the Mpox: A timeline of interventions towards MSM | S. Vandeneynde, Sensoa
10:15 Polio eradication: a protracted endgame | M. Van Ranst & E. Wollants, KULeuven
10:40 Investigation into cases of hepatitis of unknown aetiology among young children | E. Thomson, university of Glasgow
11:10-11:40 Coffee break & visit of stands
Session 2 | Chairs: Lize Cuypers (UZLeuven) & Natalia Bustos Sierra (Sciensano)
11:40 Update on Covid-19 vaccination | I. Leroux-Roels, UGent
12:05 Helicon project — social inequalities in COVID-related health outcomes | L. Van den Borre, Sciensano
12:35 Impact of Covid-19 on healthcare associated infections | B. Catry, Sciensano
13:00-14:10 Lunch
Session 3 | Chairs: Thomas Demuyser (UZBrussel) & Tinne Lernout (Sciensano)
14:10 National cartography of water points for the presence of Vibrio spp. in Belgium | R. Sacheli, ULiège
14:20 Climate change as a threat to health in Europe: focus on infectious diseases | E. Vanuytrecht, European Environment Agency
14:45 Monitoring of Exotic mosquitoes in Belgium: results of 2022M. Hermy, Sciensano & W. Van Bortel, ITG
15:10 Zoonotic risk of the circulating highly pathogenic H5 avian influenza viruses | M. Steensels, Sciensano
15:35 Increase of invasive group A streptococcus infections | A. Botteaux, ULBruxelles
15:45 Closing address and end of seminar
Scientific posters
A new data collection system for epilabo the network of sentinel laboratories.pdf
Age-standardised mortality rates related to viral hepatitis c in Belgium.pdf
Burkholderia cepacia complex and other gram negative nonfermenters in Belgium 2012-2020
Clinical applications of rescue strategies in extensively drug-resistant HIV-1: a case report.pdf
Diphtheria re-emergence in Europe and Belgium anno 2022.pdf
Evolution of severe obesity and associated-comorbidities in HIV-positive patients.pdf
Factors underlying COVID-19 booster vaccine uptake among adults in Belgium.pdf
Human botulism in Belgium: two atypical cases in 2022.pdf
Lifting disruption of invasive pneumococcal disease cases following the COVID-19 pandemic.pdf
Monitoring of varicella trends in Belgium between 2017 and 2022 through Google trends.pdf
Poliomyelitis surveillance in Belgium.pdf
SARS-CoV-2ars-cov-2 surveillance in Belgian wastewaters.pdf
Previous events
2022 Symposium on Infectious Diseases
2021 Symposium on Infectious Diseases