Empowering voices: Addressing the specific needs of adolescents and young adults with cancer

Last updated on 15-10-2024 by Marie Malingreau

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 13:00 to 20:00


You are invited to the symposium titled ‘Empowering voices: Addressing the specific needs of Adolescents and young adults with cancer’, organised by Sciensano’s Cancer centre .

This symposium is dedicated to the age-specific needs of adolescents and young adults (AYA) with cancer. This young population constitutes a specific but heterogeneous target group whose age range is defined as 16-35 years in Belgium. They face different challenges both medically and psychosocially, compared to children and older adults with cancer.

A national program dedicated to AYAs with cancer started at the end of 2023 and aims to provide tailored medical and psychosocial care, and to share expertise with other hospitals and first line care.
This symposium aims to improve awareness of the specific and unmet needs of the AYAs with cancer and to decipher the role of first and second line care in Belgium. It will be held entireley in English.

During this symposium we will give the floor to AYAs and we will benefit from the insight of an international expert to put into perspective the presentations of epidemiological trends as well as preliminary results of the contextual analysis on AYA cancer care in Belgium. We will also give the participants the opportunity to share their views during a workshop session.

Two satellite workshops will be organised during this meeting:

  1. Workshop 1: First line care: What is the role of the general practitioner in the AYA cancer pathway, from prevention to long-term follow-up? How can this role be facilitated?
  2. Workshop 2: Second line care: Who are the second-line healthcare providers? What is their role? How can it be facilitated?


Register here 

 (the application for accreditation with INAMI/RIZIV is in progress).




Register here 

 (the application for accreditation with INAMI/RIZIV is in progress).





13:00 — 14:00       Registration with beverages /
14:00 — 14:15 Introduction Marc Van den Bulcke (Head of Cancer Centre, Sciensano)
Dr. Hélène Antoine-Poirel (Head CAYA/Oncogenetics-Unit, Cancer Centre, Sciensano)
Jerôme Duiker  (Patien Expert KickCancer — Bel-AYA)
14:15 — 14:35 Testimonial from AYA  Yasemin Utku
14:35 — 14:45 Epidemiological trends of AYA cancers in Belgium Fabienne van Aelst (Researcher, CAYA/Oncogenetics-Unit, Cancer Centre, Sciensano)
14:45 — 15:05 Testimonial from AYA  Mariangela Fiorente (Oncology projects coordinator: founder of ALWB; Patient Expert KickCancer; researcher in health promotion)
15:05 — 15:25 What is the general cancer strategy for Belgium, and specifically for AYAs? Mikaël Daubie (Directeur général Service des soins de santé — Directeur generaal Dienst geneeskundige verzorging, RIZIV-INAMI)
15:25 — 15:45 Testimonial from AYA Christoph Christiaens (Patient Export Kom Op Tegen Kanker)
15:45 — 16:05 Contextual analysis of AYA-care in Belgium  Fabienne van Aelst (Researcher, CAYA/Oncogenetics-Unit, Cancer Centre, Sciensano)
16:05 — 16:35 The Challenges and Successes of Building an AYA Oncology Program Prof. Dr. A. Gupta (SickKids Patients Support Center, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto)
16:30 — 18:00 Coffee break /
16:30 — 18:00


  • Workshop 1: First line care: What is the role of the general practitioner in the AYA cancer care pathway; from prevention to long-term follow-up? How can this role be facilitated?
  • Workshop 2: Second line care: Who are the second-line actors (or healthcare providers)? What is their role? How can it be facilitated?

Moderated by AYA-patient Experts of Bel-AYA together with

Wannes Van Hoof (Head of ELSI/Patients&Citizens engagement Unit, Cancer Centre, Sciensano)

Chloé Mayeur, Marlies Saelaert (Researchers, ELSI/Patients&Citizens engagement Unit, Cancer Centre, Sciensano)

18:00-18:15 Wrap-up of the Brainstorm session


18:15 — 18:45 Arriving at a new Adolescent / Young Adult Cancer Service in Ireland Prof. Dr. Owen Smith
Professor of Child, AYA Oncology and Haematology, Trinity College Dublin
Visiting Full Professor, University College Dublin 
NCCP National Clinical Lead for Children, AYA Cancers
Consultant Paediatric Haematologist, Children’s Health Ireland
Chair, European Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOPE) — AYA Cimmittee
18.45 — 19.00 Summary and conclusions of the symposium Prof Dr. Owen Smith
Dr.Hélène Antoine-Poirel
19.00 — END Beverages and sandwiches /



Please note: 

  • For the workshops, we prefer to receive your registration at least one month before the symposium
  • For the main event, there is no registration deadline



Please note: 

  • For the workshops, we prefer to receive your registration at least one month before the symposium
  • For the main event, there is no registration deadline

  Register here 

Contact us 

This event contributes to Sciensano's activities in the field of: 


Sciensano - Site Eurostation, Zaal Storck
1 Rue Ernest Blerot
1070 Anderlecht


Free, but registration is mandatory


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