Last updated on 1-8-2023 by Marie Malingreau
Tue, 25/10/2016 (All day)
Tue, 25/10/2016 (All day)

Introduction of Next-Generation-Sequencing technology in (hemato-)oncology in the Belgian health care system.
The use of Next generation sequencing technology in routine analyses carried out as part of our healthcare system represents a major step forward. In Belgium, the introduction of this technology in (haemato-)oncology is being developed in a 5-year national pilot project coordinated by the PSI Cancer Centre, a project launched in January 2016.
09.30h - 10.15h : Welcome
10.30h — 12.30h : Introduction of NGS in (haemato)oncology in Belgium
Introductie NL — M. Van Den Bulcke, WIV-ISP
Commission Personalized Medicine (EN) — M. Van Den Bulcke, WIV-ISP
Platform CRM — TMC: a link procedure for companion reimbursement (EN) — A. Waeytens, RIZIV-INAMI
Guidelines ‘NGS in (hemato-)oncology’ NGS genepanel testing (EN) — A. Hébrant, WIV-ISP
Benchmarking trial and EQA NGS in (hemato-)oncology (EN) — V. Ghislain, WIV-ISP
Patient participation: Focus group (EN) - K. Moens, WIV-ISP
Healthdata Datamanagement for NGS (EN) - J. Van Bussel, WIV-ISP
Accreditation of NGS within ISO 15189 (EN) - E. Van Rossen, SPF Economie
12.30h — 13.30h : Lunch
13.30h — 16.00h : “Genomics in oncology and hematology: opportunities & challenges
“Precision”: Bringing innovation to the patient (EN) — J. De Grève, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Bruxelles, Belgique
JARC: Joint Action Rare cancers (EN) — A. Trama, Instituto Nationale di Tumori, Milan, Italie
Impact on current and future cancer immunotherapies (EN) — K. Vermaelen, UGent, Gand, Belgique
Liquid biopsies (EN) — S. Tejpar, KU Leuven, Louvain, Belgique
NGS for oncogenetics (EN) - M. Abramowicz, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgique
Comprehensive Genomic Profiling with FMI — bringing value to patients (EN) — V. Natarajan, Foundation Medicine, Europe
16.00h — 17.30h : Reception
Related Projects
- Commission de Médecine Personnalisée (ComPerMed)
- ComPerMed — Next-Generation Sequencing in hemato(-oncology)
- Focus Groups: Information Needs and Attitudes of Cancer Patients to NGS Testing (FR)
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Bd du Jardin Botanique 44
1000 Brussels
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