Sciensano & Bisphenol A

Last updated on 29-5-2019 by Admin Drupal

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical used primarily in the manufacture of “polycarbonate” plastics and “epoxy” resins. In 2014, EFSA concluded that, at current exposure levels, BPA does not pose a risk to consumer health. However, following new studies published after this opinion, EFSA is currently reassessing the toxicity of BPA.

What does Sciensano do?

As for other endocrine disruptors, Sciensano provides advice about the health effects of Bisphenol A following requests from the Belgian authorities. Sciensano also analyses the migration of bisphenol A in foods from food contact materials. It also measures the level of Bisphenol A in human samples (placenta, urine, …). Several of Sciensano’s services are  involved in various research projects concerning Bisphenol A.

The Sciensano’s Risk and health impact assessment and Organic contaminants and additives services collaborated on the research project “Evaluation of the possible risks to health caused by the migration of polycarbonate substitutes in baby bottles and materials in contact with food for children under 3 years” (ALTPOLYCARB) financed by the FPS Public Health.

Risk and health impact assessment

The Sciensano’s Risk and health impact assessment service primarily provides scientific support to the Directorate General Environment of the Belgian Federal Public Service.

The Risk and health impact assessment service is also involved in a project to improve knowledge about the health effects on newborns and young children following prenatal exposure to endocrine disruptors. Measurements of the levels of different endocrine disruptors are performed on placenta samples taken from the Belgian population (mother-newborn cohort). Bisphenol A is one of the studied compounds.

Consumer safety

The Sciensano’s Organic contaminants and additives service has many years of experience in the field of food contact materials and holds ISO 17025 accreditation for the analysis of the migration of different substances such as bisphenol A, phthalates, aromatic amines, formaldehyde (formalin) etc.

The service is also part of the European network of reference laboratories in the field of food contact materials.

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