Would you like to be part of our network? Leave your details via our survey in French or in Dutch
Registration (only for general practitioners who are member of the network)
Report your data for the health problems covered by the network of general practitioners in 2025:
registration activity, acute respiratory infections, influenza-like illness and acute diarrhea
The registration of acute respiratory infections, influenza-like illness and acute diarrhea is done online. Take part in four steps:
- Print the registration form of acute respiratory infections, influenza-like illness and acute diarrhea (only available in
Dutch or
- You can use this form as reminder to note the number of cases during the week (from Monday morning till Sunday evening)
- Enter this information at the end of the week using the button below (at the latest the following Tuesday evening)
- From Wednesday-afternoon, you can consult the weekly flu bulletin on the website.
virological surveillance of influenza
Samples of 5 patients are collected per week (first 3 patients meeting the ILI definition and first 2 patients meeting the ARI case definition) to better detect SARS-CoV-2 and RSV infections in addition to influenza infections.
The patient must sign an informed consent form agreeing to participate in the virological surveillance.
sexual transmitted infections
The registration of sexually transmitted infections is done online.
For your convenience, you can also print the registration form of sexually transmitted infections (only available in Dutch or
varicella, zona or postherpetic neuralgia
The registration of varicella, zona or postherpetic neuralgia is done online.
For your convenience, you can also print the registration form of varicella, zona or postherpetic neuralgia (only available in Dutch or
tick bites and/or suspected Lyme disease
The registration of tick bites and/or suspected Lyme disease is done online.
For your convenience, you can also print the registration form of tick bites and/or suspected Lyme disease (only available in Dutch or
advance care planning (ACP)
More professional information about the corona-virus
Information on the COVID-19-Barometer in general practices
Epidemiological curves
Weekly incidence of consultations for influenza-like illness (consultations/100.000 inhabitants)
Consult the weekly Acute Respiratory Infection Bulletin in French or in Dutch
Weekly incidence of consultations for acute diarrhea (consultations/100.000 inhabitants)
Problems with the registration?
network coordinator if you have problems with the online registration or if you have another question.
Can I become a GP of the Network of General Practitioners?
Yes of course! Send an email network coordinator
or register your contact details via our survey in Dutch or in French
The network of General Practitioners
The network comprises about 100 general practices all over Belgium, who weekly report data about several infectious and non-infectious diseases. This allows to study the incidence and prevalence of a variety of health problems and their characteristics. By providing epidemiological information as well as information on care provided in general practice, the SGPs support the policymakers in defining priorities and evaluating health policy. More info about the network
An overview of the registered themes over the years
- for the period 1979-2019 (only available in
Dutch or
This network is only possible through close cooperation with our partners.
Recent publications:
Lecompte A, Serrien B, Bensemmane S, De Baetselier I, Van Den Bossche D, Deblonde J, Van Beckhoven D. (2024). Surveillance van seksueel overdraagbare infecties: Epidemiologische situatie op 31 december 2023 . Report. Brussel, Belgium, Sciensano. https://www.sciensano.be/en/biblio/surveillance-van-seksueel-overdraagbare-infecties-epidemiologische-situatie-op-31-december-2023
Lecompte A, Serrien B, Bensemmane S, De Baetselier I, Van Den Bossche D, Deblonde J, Van Beckhoven D. (2024). Surveillance des infections sexuellement transmissibles. Situation épidémiologique au 31 décembre 2023. Report. Brussel, Belgium, Sciensano. https://www.sciensano.be/en/biblio/surveillance-des-infections-sexuellement-transmissibles-situation-epidemiologique-au-31-decembre
Gomez Bravo R, Leon Herrera S, Ares Blanco S, Guisado Clavero M, Dotsenko M, Petrazzuoli F, Gefaell I, Moreels S, Perjes A, Meister T, et al. (2024). Addressing the Challenges of Long COVID: A Comparative Analysis of Definitions Across Europe. Abstract published in the Programme Book “Demystifying Long COVID International Conference 2024”, 21-22 November 2024, Barcelona (Spain), p. 36.
Gomez Bravo R, Leon Herrera S, Ares Blanco S, Nessler K, Domeyer P, Frese T, Kvitting A, Petrazzuoli F, Knezevic S, Bensemmane S, Moreels S, Meister T, et al. (2024). Exploring the Management of Long COVID by General Practitioners Across Europe: Practices, Challenges, and Future Directions. Abstract published in the Programme Book “Demystifying Long COVID International Conference 2024”, 21-22 November 2024, Barcelona (Spain), p. 40.
Moreels S, De Schreye R, Bensemmane S. (2024). Inclusion of Long Covid patients in the care trajectory post-Covid-19: evidence from Belgium. Abstract published in European Journal of Public Health, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_3, November 2024, https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckae144.2117
Moreels S, Bensemmane S, De Schreye R. (2024). Fall risk factors and prevention among older adults in primary care in Belgium, 2019-2021. Abstract published in European Journal of Public Health, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_3, November 2024, https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckae144.2099
Guisado-Clavero M, Gómez-Bravo R, Gefaell Larrondo I, et al. Diverse roles of Primary Health Care in COVID-19 vaccination across 28 European countries — Insights from the Eurodata study. Article published in Eur J Gen Pract. 2024;30(1):2409240. https://doi.org/10.1080/13814788.2024.2409240
Moreels S, Bensemmane S, De Schreye R, Cuschieri S. (2024). Caring for Long Covid patients in primary healthcare: a cross-sectional study on general practitioners’ knowledge, perception and experience in Belgium and Malta. Article published in BMC Primary Care, 25, 375. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12875-024-02617-9
Gomez Bravo R, Leon Herrera S, Ares Blanco S, Guisado Clavero M, Dotsenko M, Petrazzuoli F, Gefaell I, Moreels S, Perjes A, Meister T, et al. (2024). Understanding of Long (Post)-COVID Definitions Across Europe.
Abstract published in the Programme Book of 99th EGPRN meeting, 17-20 October 2024, Budapest (Hungary), p. 100.
Bensemmane S, Moreels S, Lecompte A, Vanden Berghe W, De Schreye R. (2024). 5 Sexually transmitted infections in Belgian general practices: a nationwide continuing surveillance study, data from 2015 to 2020. Article published in Primary Health Care Research & Development; 25:e51. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1463423624000422
Moreels S, De Schreye R, Bensemmane S (2024). Épidémiologie, facteurs de risque et prévention des chutes chez les personnes âgées en soins primaires au cours de la période 2019-2021 en Belgique. Report. Brussel, Belgium, Sciensano. Septembre 2024. 52p. D/2024.14.440/57. https://www.sciensano.be/nl/biblio/epidemiologie-facteurs-de-risque-et-prevention-des-chutes-chez-les-personnes-agees-en-soins
Moreels S, De Schreye R, Bensemmane S (2024). Epidemiologie, risicofactoren en preventie van valincidenten bij ouderen in de eerstelijnszorg tijdens 2019-2021 in België. Report. Brussel, Belgium, Sciensano. September 2024. 50p. D/2024.14.440/53. https://www.sciensano.be/nl/biblio/epidemiologie-risicofactoren-en-preventie-van-valincidenten-bij-ouderen-de-eerstelijnszorg-tijdens
S. Fierens, L. De Mot, M. Vandromme, C. Brugerolles, N. Bustos Sierra, S. Hanoteaux, M. Callies, I. Van Evercooren, L. Nasiadka, H. Maloux, R. Janssens, V. Hutse, S. Couvreur, Y. Dockx, N. Bossuyt. Surveillance van acute luchtweginfecties: epidemiologische rapport seizoenen 2020-2021 en 2021-2022 . Brussel, België Sciensano ; 202458. Rapportnummer: D/2024.14.440/6. Beschikbaar op: http://doi.org/10.25608/zwt9-gt52
S. Fierens, L. De Mot, M. Vandromme, C. Brugerolles, N. Bustos Sierra, S. Hanoteaux, M. Callies, I. Van Evercooren, L. Nasiadka, H. Maloux, R. Janssens, V. Hutse, S. Couvreur, Y. Dockx, N. Bossuyt. Surveillance des infections respiratoires aiguës : rapport épidémiologique saisons 2020-2021 et 2021-2022. Bruxelles, Belgique : Sciensano ; 2024 58p. Numéro de rapport : D/2024.14.440/5. Disponible en ligne : http://doi.org/10.25608/rvvn-fr83
Nikkels A F, Schoevaerdts D, Kauffmann F, Strubbe F, Bensemmane S (2024). Herpes zoster in Belgium: a new solution to an old problem. Acta clinica Belgica. 2024-May-23;: 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1080/17843286.2024.2350258
Moreels S, Bensemmane S, Rouvez F, Bossuyt N, De Schreye R (2024). General characteristics of the Sentinel General Practitioners (SGP) network in Belgium: short report on 2023.
Report. Brussel, Belgium, Sciensano. February 2024. 18p. D/2024.14.440/26.
Fierens S, Brugerolles C, Denayer S, De Schreye R, Moreels S, Bustos Sierra N, Dufrasne F, Callies M, Bossuyt N, Hermans L, et al. (2024). Wekelijks bulletin acute luchtweginfecties week x-2024 / Bulletin hebdomadaire infections respiratoires aiguës semaine x-2024 / Weekly bulletin acute respiratory infections week x-2024. Report. Brussel, Belgium, Sciensano.
Smith P, Moreels S (2023).
L’épidémiologie de l’affection post-COVID-19 en Belgique. Medi-Sphere, 747, 20 Decembre 2023.
Smith P, Moreels S (2023).
De epidemiologie van long covid in België. Medi-Sphere, 747, 20 December 2023.
Moreels S, Bensemmane S, De Schreye R. (2023). Caring for Long Covid patients in Belgian primary care. Abstract published in International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC); 23(S1): p.121, December 2023. https://doi.org/10.5334/ijic.ICIC23047.
Cuschieri S, Moreels S. (2023). Unravelling general practitioners’ barriers to deal with long COVID: Experiences from Malta. Commentary published in Health Sciences Review, Volume 9, December 2023, 100121. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hsr.2023.100121.
Moreels S, Bensemmane S, Bossuyt N, Vermeulen M, Fierens S, Rouvez F, De Schreye R. (2023). General characteristics of the Sentinel General Practitioners (SGP) network in Belgium: short report on 2019-2022.
Report. Brussel, Belgium, Sciensano. October 2023. 21p. D/2023.14.440/71.
Bensemmane S, De Pauw R, Keune H, De Schreye R. (2023). Belgian general practitioners’ perception and use of physical activity on prescription. Abstract published in European Journal of Public Health, Volume 33, Issue Supplement_2, October 2023. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckad160.1406 .
Moreels S, Bensemmane S, De Schreye R, Cuschieri S. (2023). General practitioners’ knowledge, perception and experience on Long Covid: a cross-sectional study in Belgium and Malta. Abstract published in European Journal of Public Health, Volume 33, Issue Supplement_2, October 2023. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckad160.024
Lernout T, Cuypers L, Bensemmane S, Dessilly G, Scohy A, Lagrou K, Depypere M, Kabamba-Mukadi B. (2023).
Epidemiologische surveillance van Lyme borreliose — 2019-2021 Rapport. Brussel, België : Sciensano. p.8.
Lernout T, Cuypers L, Bensemmane S, Dessilly G, Scohy A, Lagrou K, Depypere M, Kabamba-Mukadi B. (2023).
Surveillance épidémiologique de la borréliose de Lyme — 2019-2021. Rapport. Bruxelles, Belgique : Sciensano. p.8.
Fischer N, Moreels S, Dauby N, Reynders M, Petit E, Gérard M, Lacor P, Daelemans S, Lissoir B, Holemans X, et al. (2023). Influenza versus other respiratory viruses – assessing severity among hospitalised children, Belgium, 2011 to 2020. Eurosurveillance, Aug-07-2024, Volume 28, Issue 29. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.29.2300056
Bossuyt N, Bustos Sierra N, Doggen K, De Schreye R, Fierens S, Moreels S, Vermeulen M, Vos B, Barbezange C, Dufrasne F, et al. (2023).
Surveillance van griepinfecties. Epidemiologische rapport seizoen 2019-2020. Rapport. Brussel, België: Siensano. p.32.
Bossuyt N, Bustos Sierra N, Doggen K, De Schreye R, Fierens S, Moreels S, Vermeulen M, Vos B, Barbezange C, Dufrasne F, et al. (2023).
Surveillance des infections à influenza. Rapport épidémiologique saison 2019-2020. Rapport. Bruxelles, Belgique: Sciensano. p.31.
Lecompte A, Vanden Berghe W, Bensemmane S, Van Den Bossche D, De Baetselier I, Van Beckhoven D. (2023).
Surveillance van seksueel overdraagbare infecties. Epidemiologische situatie op 31 december 2021. Rapport. Brussel, België : Sciensano. p.39.
Lecompte A, Vanden Berghe W, Bensemmane S, Van Den Bossche D, De Baetselier I, Van Beckhoven D. (2023).
Surveillance des infections sexuellement transmissibles. Situation épidémiologique jusqu’ au 31 décembre 2021. Rapport. Brussel, België : Sciensano. p.39.
Bensemmane S, De Schreye R. (2023). General Practitioners’ prescription of psychotropic drugs among youth in Belgium.
Abstract published in the Programme Book of 96th EGPRN meeting, 11-14 May 2023, Split (Croatia), p. 77.
Jacquinet S, Bensemmane S, Smeesters P, Cornelissen L. (2023).
Epidemiologische_surveillance_van_varicella_en_zoster_-_varicella-zostervirus_vzv_-_overzicht_2010-2022_en_gedetailleerde_resultaten_2019_-_2022. Rapport. Brussel, België : Sciensano.
Jacquinet S, Bensemmane S, Smeesters P, Cornelissen L. (2023).
Surveillance_epidemiologique_de_la_varicelle_et_du_zona_-_varicella-zoster_virus_vzv_-_apercu_2010-2022_et_resultats_detailles_2019-2022. Rapport. Brussel, België : Sciensano.
Moreels S, Cuschieri S, Bensemmane S, De Schreye R. (2023). Caring for Long Covid patients in primary health care: a cross-sectional study among general practitioners in Belgium and Malta. Abstract published in Population Medicine 2023; 5(Supplement):A339. https://doi.org/10.18332/popmed/165193
Bossuyt N, Vermeulen M, Debouverie L, De Schreye R, Moreels S, Bustos Sierra N, Barbezange C, Denayer S, Dufrasne F. Wekelijks bulletin luchtweginfecties week x-2023 / Bulletin hebdomadaire infections respiratoires semaine x-2023 / Weekly bulletin respiratory infections week x-2023. Report. Brussel, Sciensano.
Bensemmane S, De Schreye R. (2022). Varicella surveillance among the patient population in Belgian general practice between 2019 and 2021.
Abstractpublished in the Programme Book of 95th EGPRN meeting, 20-23 October 2022, Antwerp (Belgium), p. 87.
Bensemmane S. (2022). Physical activity on prescription in Belgian general practice: current state of affairs.
Abstract published in the Programme Book of 95th EGPRN meeting, 20-23 October 2022, Antwerp (Belgium), p. 57.
Cuschieri S, Bensemmane S, De Schreye R, Moreels, S. (2022). Caring for Long Covid-19 patients in primary health care: a twinning study between Malta and Belgium.
Abstract published in the Programme Book of 95th EGPRN meeting, 20-23 October 2022, Antwerp (Belgium), p. 108.
Debouverie L, Vaes B, Bossuyt N, Moreels S, De Schreye R. (2022). Real-time pandemic surveillance by the Covid-19 Barometer in General Practices in Belgium.
Abstractpublished in the Programme Book of 95th EGPRN meeting, 20-23 October 2022, Antwerp (Belgium), p. 70.
Moreels S, Bensemmane S, De Schreye R. (2022). Long COVID in primary care: study among Belgian general practitioners.
Abstractpublished in the Program Book of European Forum for Primary Care (EFPC) 2022 Conference, 26-27th September 2022, Ghent (Belgium), pp.80-81.
Bensemmane S, De Schreye R. (2022).
Management of tick bites and suspicion of Lyme disease in Belgian primary care : compliance with national guidelines. Abstract published in the Programme Book of the 94th EGPRN Meeting, İstanbul-Turkey, 12-15 May 2022, p.110.
Moreels S, De Schreye R. (2022). Risk factors and prevention concerning falls among older general practice patients in Belgium, 2019-2020. Abstract published in the Abstract Book of EU Falls Festival 2022, 4-5th April 2022, Leuven (Belgium), p.103.
Article « Les médecins vigies, premiers lanceurs d’alerte en cas d’épidémie », Le Soir, 23 February 2022, https://www.lesoir.be/426019/article/2022-02-23/les-medecins-vigies-premiers-lanceurs-dalerte-en-cas-depidemie
Guerrisi C, Thomas B, Ordax Diez A, Van Cauteren D, Lozano Alonso JE, Moreels S, Falchi A, Vega Alonso T, Bonmarin I, Raude J, Vilcu AM, Hanslik T, Debin M, Rossignol L, Colizza V, Souty C, Blanchon T. Initial risk perception and feeling of preparedness of primary care physicians regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in Belgium, France and Spain in February 2020. Article published in BMC Primary Care, 23, 18 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12875-021-01588-5
Bossuyt N, Vermeulen M, Debouverie L, De Schreye R, Moreels S, Bustos Sierra N, Barbezange C, Denayer S, Dufrasne F. Wekelijks bulletin luchtweginfecties week x-2022 / Bulletin hebdomadaire infections respiratoires semaine x-2022 / Weekly bulletin respiratory infections week x-2022. Report. Brussel, Sciensano.
Bensemmane S, Vanden Berghe W, De Schreye R.
Sexually Transmitted Infections surveillance among the patient population in Belgian general practice. Abstract published in European Journal of Public Health, November 2021, 31, suppl. 3: 514.
Moreels S, Boffin N, De Schreye R.
Falls among older general practice patients: risk factors and fall prevention in Belgium, 2019-2020. Abstract published in European Journal of Public Health, November 2021, 31, suppl. 3: 580. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckab165.638
De Schreye R, Van Vyve A, Moreels S, Goderis G, Scholtes B, Coenen S, Verrijken G.
Rapport de synthèse sur l’attitude de médecins généralistes à la vaccination contre le COVID-19. Rapport. Brussel, Sciensano. Numéro de rapport D/2021/14.440/28.
De Schreye R, Van Vyve A, Moreels S, Goderis G, Scholtes B, Coenen S, Verrijken G.
Samenvattend rapport COVID-19 vaccinatiebereidheid bij huisartsen. Rapport. Brussel, Sciensano. Rapportnummer: D/2021/14.440/27.
Bossuyt N, Vermeulen M, Vos S, De Schreye R, Moreels S, Bustos Sierra N, Thomas I., Barbezange C. Wekelijks bulletin luchtweginfecties week x-2021 / Bulletin hebdomadaire infections respiratoires semaine x-2021 / Weekly bulletin respiratory infections week x-2021. Report. Brussel, Sciensano.
Vanden Berghe W, Lecompte A, Bensemmane S, De Schreye R, De Baetselier I.
Surveillance van seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen 2017-2019. Rapport. Brussel, België : Sciensano; Rapportnummer: D/2020/14.440/85.
Vanden Berghe W, Lecompte A, Bensemmane S, De Schreye R, De Baetselier I.
Surveillance des infections sexuellement transmissibles 2017-2019. Rapport. Bruxelles, Belgique : Sciensano ; Numéro de rapport : D/2020.14.440/84.
Bossuyt N, Vermeulen M, De Schreye R, Moreels S, Vos S, Bustos Sierra N, Thomas I., Barbezange C. Wekelijks bulletin luchtweginfecties week x-2020 / Bulletin hebdomadaire infections respiratoires semaine x-2020 / Weekly bulletin respiratory infections week x-2020. Report. Brussel, Sciensano.
Boffin N, Antoine J, Van Baelen L, Moreels S, Doggen K. General practice patients starting treatment for substance use problems: observations from two data sources across levels of care. BMC Public Health. 2020 June 18. 20, 960. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-09038-0
Verkissen M, Penders Y, Onwuteaka-Philipsen B, Moreels S, Donker G, Vega Alonso T, Van den Block L, Deliens L. End-of-life communication in advanced cancer: international trends (2009-2014). BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 2020, Apr 27. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjspcare-2019-001999
De Nooijer K, Pivodic L, Deliens L, Miccinesi G, Vega Alonso T, Moreels S, Van den Block L. Primary palliative care for older people in three European countries: a mortality follow-back quality study. BMJ Support Palliat Care 2019, Oct 17. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjspcare-2019-001967.
Boffin N, Van Casteren V, De Ridder K. Care of general practice patients preceding and following a suicide attempt: observational study in Flemish general practices. BMJ Open 2019, 9(5):e028546. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028546.
- Bossuyt N, Van Cauteren D, Bustos Sierra N, Thomas I., Barbezange C. Griep Bulletin week x-2019 / Bulletin Grippe semaine x-2019 / Weekly Flu Bulletin week x-2019. Report. Brussel, Sciensano.
- Miranda G, Baetens J, Bossuyt N, Bruno O, De Baets B. Real-time prediction of influenza outbreaks in Belgium. Epidemics, sept 2019, 28. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epidem.2019.04.001.
- Segaloff H, Melidou A, Adlhoch C, Pereyaslov D, Robesyn E, Pasi P, Olsen S, WHO European Region, European Influenza Surveillance Network. Co-circulation of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and influenza A(H3N2) viruses, World Health Organization (WHO) European Region, October 2018 to February 2019. Eurosurveillance, 28/02/2019, 24 (9). https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.9.1900125.
- Geebelen L, Van Cauteren D, Devleesschauwer B, Moreels S, Tersago K, Van Oyen H, Speybroeck N, Lernout T. Combining primary care surveillance and a meta-analysis to estimate the incidence of the clinical manifestations of Lyme borreliosis in Belgium, 2015-2017. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ttbdis.2018.12.007.
An overview of all publications during 2010-2019 (only available in Dutch
An overview of all publications during 1979-2009 (only available in Dutch