Half of the Belgian population has overweight, the same as 10 years ago

49% of the Belgian population has overweight, of which 18% have obesity. That is the result from Sciensano’s Food Consumption Survey conducted in 2022-2023. This percentage remains unchanged compared to the previous survey in 2014-2015. Nearly a third of the population aged 10 years and older is trying to lose weight, among them 21% use dangerous methods to do so. According to Sciensano, weight-related problems are still too common and policy should focus more on reducing health risks related to weight. 

Sciensano participates in a major initiative to combat Non-Communicable Diseases and Cancer alongside more than 100 European partners

Over two-thirds of the burden of disease in Europe stems from cancer and other NCDs, and with a significant amount of this burden being preventable. There are notable disparities between and within communities due to individual attributes and contextual elements, including socioeconomic status, gender, geography, age, disability, and migration background.

Despite decline: one death per hour due to smoking in Belgium

Each year, over 9,000 people die in Belgium as a result of smoking. These are the latest findings from Sciensano, Belgium’s public health institute. This represents one death every hour. Despite a clear decreasing trend in the number of smoking-related deaths, inequalities persist, with a greater impact among men and in Brussels and Wallonia. On World No Tobacco Day, Sciensano wants to draw more attention to the consequences of smoking.

Scientific Symposium on antimicrobial resistance: a challenge for public health, animal health and the environment


We are excited to invite you to this upcoming scientific symposium in Brussels which will focus on antimicrobial use and resistance in animals and the impact on public health, animal health and the environment. Sciensano has the honour of participating to the organisation of this symposium in collaboration with AMCRA, FASFC, FAMHP, FPS Health, Food chain safety and Environment. 



Contact person: 
Cécile Boland

Sciensano’s Cancer Centre launches its podcast

The Cancer Centre of Sciensano is delighted to announce to you the launch of the Beating Cancer Belgium Podcast, a platform dedicated to shedding light on cancer control and prevention in Belgium. This podcast was created in the context of the ‘Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan’ Mirror Group, a national platform coordinated by the Belgian Cancer Centre in Sciensano, which aims to involve Belgian stakeholders in:

Mind the gap: Improving quality of care after 7 audits of IQED-Foot


You are kindly invited to the online symposium “Mind the gap: Improving quality of care after 7 audits of IQED-Foot”, organised by Sciensano on behalf of the National Institute of Health and Disability Insurance (NIHDI). The symposium consists of 3 focus talks, where the results and evolution through the audits will be explained by members of the Group of Experts IQED-Foot. Each focus talk will be followed by an active discussion with the participants around possible causes, improvements and barriers.



Contact person: 
An-Sofie Vanherwegen

Registry-Day | Advancing patient care and research through real-world data


You are cordially invited to the Sciensano symposium on advancing care and research through real-world data.

This symposium provides an overview of the contributions and advancements of the Sciensano rare disease and diabetes registries. It also aims to evaluate the evolutions in the collection of real-world data  and how they are used to improve quality of care and health outcomes in Belgium.

In the morning, Sciensano will present the output of the registries for rare diseases, diabetes, cystic fibrosis and neuromuscular diseases.



Contact person: 
Inge Franki

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