Interim analysis of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation and death using electronic health records in six European countries

Last updated on 8-1-2024 by Joris Van Loenhout

Public Access


Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph



This report presents pooled COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness (VE) estimates for the first, second and third booster doses, against hospitalisation due to COVID-19 and COVID-19 related deaths in resident populations ≥50 years of age, living in the community, in six European countries: Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Navarre (Spain), Norway, and Portugal. This study was undertaken within the Vaccine Effectiveness Burden and Impact Studies (VEBIS) project. A retrospective cohort was constructed from linked electronic health records (EHR) in each country. Countryspecific (level) relative VE (rVE) w…

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