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Dr. Joris Van Loenhout PhD
Joris obtained a BSc in Biological Sciences, followed by a MSc in Toxicology and Environmental Health, both at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. From 2007 to 2014, he worked at the department of Environmental Health at the Public Health Services Gelderland-Midden. Within that position, he coordinated several EU-funded projects on environmental health topics, and he also carried out a study on indoor temperature in relation to health of elderly residents. In 2010, he started his PhD at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, in parallel with his position at the Public Health Services. He successfully defended his PhD thesis on the long-term health impact of Q fever in February 2015.
Joris has worked at the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) within UCLouvain from October 2014 onwards. His main focus area was the impact of natural disasters on health and health systems. He focussed his research in particular on the human impact of heatwaves, and he was responsible officer on behalf of CRED for several EU-funded projects that focused on this, namely ENHANCE (FP7) and SCORCH (DG ECHO). Since 2016, he has been co-responsible for maintaining the international disaster database EM-DAT, as well as the associated EM-DAT project, funded by USAID. Joris was also responsible for applying for and undertaking a study on adherence to COVID-19 measures among the Belgian population, funded by Fondation Louvain.
Since September 2021, Joris is working for Sciensano, where he is involved in assessing the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination.
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