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Dr. Bavo Verhaegen DVM
Scientific collaborator
Bavo Verhaegen started his career at Sciensano in 2016 as a scientific collaborator at the unit Toxi-infections and toxins of the scientific service Foodborne pathogens. He is responsible for the molecular database and subtyping. Since 2017, he became responsible for the unit Foodborne parasites and in 2019 he became responsible for the unit Foodborne viruses.
Before his start at Sciensano, Bavo Verhaegen performed a doctoral research at the department of ‘Technology and Food’ of the Research institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO) and at the department of ‘Veterinary public health’ at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University. He obtained a PhD in Veterinary Sciences in 2016 and a Master in Veterinary Medicine and the FELASA Cat. C certificate in Laboratory Animal Science in 2012, at Ghent University.
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