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Dr. Ind. Pharm. Pharm. Eric Deconinck Ind Pharm

Head of scientific service

After my PhD studies in analytical chemistry at the Free University of Brussels I started a post-doc period at the Catholic University of Leuven. During this period I was a scientific collaborator in pharmacotechnology for two spin-off companies (Ziscoat N.V. and Formac Pharmaceuticals N.V.). Since 2009 I am scientific collaborator for the former Institute of Public Health (Belgium), now Sciensano,  in the service of Medicines and Health products. My tasks are the development of methods for quality control of pharmaceutical preparations, coordination of the analysis of samples coming from the pharmaceutical inspection and other stakeholders, as well as research in the domain of illegal medicines and health products.

In 2015 I became head of the service Medicines and Health Products.

Specialties: Analytical chemistry
Method development (HPLC, UPLC, LC-MS, IR spectroscopy)
Chemometrics (experimental design, multivariate callibration)
Method validation

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