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Serologic screening for 13 infectious agents in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Flanders.,
, Infect Ecol Epidemiol, 2015, Volume 5, p.29862, (2015)
Experimental co-infections of calves with bluetongue virus serotypes 1 and 8.,
, Vet Microbiol, 2013 Jul 26, Volume 165, Issue 1-2, p.167-72, (2013)
Pulmonary artery haemorrhage in newborn calves following bluetongue virus serotype 8 experimental infections of pregnant heifers.,
, Vet Microbiol, 2013 Dec 27, Volume 167, Issue 3-4, p.250-9, (2013)
Bluetongue sentinel surveillance program and cross-sectional serological survey in cattle in Belgium in 2010-2011.,
, Prev Vet Med, 2012 Oct 01, Volume 106, Issue 3-4, p.235-43, (2012)
The impact of naturally-occurring, trans-placental bluetongue virus serotype-8 infection on reproductive performance in sheep.,
, Vet J, 2011 Jan, Volume 187, Issue 1, p.72-80, (2011)
The presence of bluetongue virus serotype 8 RNA in Belgian cattle since 2008.,
, Transbound Emerg Dis, 2011 Dec, Volume 58, Issue 6, p.503-9, (2011)
Susceptibility of in vitro produced hatched bovine blastocysts to infection with bluetongue virus serotype 8.,
, Vet Res, 2011 Jan 24, Volume 42, Issue 1, p.14, (2011)
Two alternative inocula to reproduce bluetongue virus serotype 8 disease in calves.,
, Vaccine, 2011 Apr 27, Volume 29, Issue 19, p.3600-9, (2011)
Bluetongue virus in wild deer, Belgium, 2005-2008.,
, Emerg Infect Dis, 2010 May, Volume 16, Issue 5, p.833-6, (2010)
Bluetongue virus detection by real-time RT-PCR in Culicoides captured during the 2006 epizootic in Belgium and development of an internal control.,
, Transbound Emerg Dis, 2009 Jun, Volume 56, Issue 5, p.170-7, (2009)
Emergence of bluetongue serotypes in Europe, part 1: description and validation of four real-time RT-PCR assays for the serotyping of bluetongue viruses BTV-1, BTV-6, BTV-8 and BTV-11.,
, Transbound Emerg Dis, 2009 Dec, Volume 56, Issue 9-10, p.346-54, (2009)
Emergence of bluetongue serotypes in Europe, part 2: the occurrence of a BTV-11 strain in Belgium.,
, Transbound Emerg Dis, 2009 Dec, Volume 56, Issue 9-10, p.355-61, (2009)
Bluetongue virus serotype 8-associated congenital hydranencephaly in calves.,
, Transbound Emerg Dis, 2008 Sep, Volume 55, Issue 7, p.293-8, (2008)
Transplacental bluetongue infection in cattle.,
, Vet Rec, 2008 Apr 26, Volume 162, Issue 17, p.564, (2008)
Transplacental infection and apparently immunotolerance induced by a wild-type bluetongue virus serotype 8 natural infection.,
, Transbound Emerg Dis, 2008 Oct, Volume 55, Issue 8, p.352-9, (2008)
Effects of Atorvastatin on LDL sub-fractions and peroxidation in type 1 diabetic patients: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study,
, Diabetes Metab.Res.Rev., 0/11/2003, Volume 19, Issue 6, Number 486, p.478 - 486, (2003)
Beta-cell, thyroid, gastric, adrenal and coeliac autoimmunity and HLA-DQ types in type 1 diabetes22,
, Clin.Exp.Immunol., 0/11/2001, Volume 126, Issue 2, Number 241, p.236 - 241, (2001)
The presence of thyrogastric antibodies in first degree relatives of type 1 diabetic patients is associated with age and proband antibody status,
, J.Clin.Endocrinol.Metab., 0/9/2001, Volume 86, Issue 9, Number 4363, p.4358 - 4363, (2001)
Soluble transferrin receptor level: a new marker of iron deficiency anemia, a common manifestation of gastric autoimmunity in type 1 diabetes24,
, Diabetes Care, 0/9/2000, Volume 23, Issue 9, Number 1388, p.1384 - 1388, (2000)
Apolipoprotein concentrations in obese subjects with upper and lower body fat mass distribution27,
, Int.J.Obes., 1/3/1989, Volume 13, Issue 3, Number 263, p.255 - 263, (1989)