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Filters: Author is Ilse Van Overmeire
Chemical contamination of eggs from free range hens, a joint study by WIV and CODA: preliminary discussion of POPs levels,
, Worksop chemische contaminantia en voeding, 0/0/2012, Issue WIV-CODA, NA, (2012)
Chemical contamination of home produced eggs in Belgium. ,
, Scientific report WIV 2006/2007, 0/0/2012, Volume nvt, p.47, (2012)
Development and application of a fast method for the determination of nicotine, cotinine and 3-hydroxycotinine in urine to detect active and passive exposure to tobacco smoke,
, 0/0/2012, Volume 2, Number 74, Brussels, p.72 - 74, (2012)
Factors Influencing Benzene Formation from the Decarboxylation of Benzoate in Liquid Model Systems,
, J.Agric.Food Chem., 14/8/2012, Volume 59, Issue 24, Number 12981, p.12975 - 12981, (2012)
On the importance of correcting urinary cadmium results obtained by ICP-MS for MoO interferences,
, 37 th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 0/0/2012, Issue University of Antwerp,Department Chemistry, NA, (2012)
Inquiries on the action mechanism of brominated flame retardants: Ah-receptor mediated activity of selected flame retardants,
, Dioxins in the Air, 0/0/2012, Issue institute for environment and sustaionability,Vlaanderen, NA, (2012)
Stellen de voedingsstoffen en hun verpakkingen een probleem voor de volksgezondheid? Welke analytische aanpak kunnen we best gebruiken. ,
, Pack News, 0/0/2012, Volume nvt, Issue 137, p.55, (2012)
A targeted proteomics method to detect urinary biomarkers of kidney disease,
, BePAC (1st Conference of the Belgian Proteomics Association), 0/0/2012, Issue BePA, NA, (2012)
An update of the activities of the human biomonitoring programme at the Scientific Institute of Public Health ,
, Tuesday Seminar, 0/0/2012, Issue Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Belgium, (2012)
Dietary intake of hexabromocyclododecane diastereoisomers (α-, β-, and γ-HBCD) in the Belgian adult population.,
, Chemosphere, 2011 Jun, Volume 84, Issue 3, p.279-88, (2011)
The occurrence and formation of benzene in foodstuffs,
, 241st ACS National Meeting & Exposition : Chemistry of Natural Resources, 2011, Anaheim, CA, USA, (2011)
Benzeen in voedingsmiddelen,
, LabInfo, 0/12/2010, Volume 5, Number 21, p.20 - 21, (2010)
Benzene formation in Foods,
, Exchange on Open Innovation for Feed, Food and Health, 0/0/2010, Issue University Gent, (2010)
Benzene frequently found in foods. Do we underestimate the exposure to benzene from the food chain?,
, Effost Conference Food and health, 0/0/2010, Issue International Union of Food Science and Technology, NA, (2010)
Determination of benzene in different food matrices by distillation and isotope dilution HS-GC/MS,
, Analytica Chimica Acta, 0/0/2010, Volume 672, Issue 1-2, Number 129, p.124 - 129, (2010)
Fast and sensitive detection of nicotine metabolites using on-line SPE-UPLC-MS-MS technique,
, From Human Biomonitoring to Policy: a sustainable 'marriage' between health and environment,, 0/0/2010, Issue Vlaamse Gemeenschap, NA, (2010)
Use of on-line SPE-UPLC-MS-MS techniques to strengthen and economize human biomonitoring studies,
, Human Biomonitoring: Political Benefits - Scientific Challenges, 0/0/2010, Issue UBA, NA, (2010)
Assessment of the chemical contamination in home-produced eggs in Belgium: general overview of the CONTEGG study.,
, Sci Total Environ, 2009 Jul 15, Volume 407, Issue 15, p.4403-10, (2009)
Brominated flame retardants in Belgian home-produced eggs: levels and contamination sources,
, Sci.Total Environ., 15/7/2009, Volume 407, Issue 15, Number 4396, p.4387 - 4396, (2009)
Determination of benzene in different food matrixes by distillation and isotope dilution HS-GC/MS,
, 4th international Symposium in Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA), 0/0/2009, Issue international Association of environmental analytical chemistry, NA, (2009)
Mycotoxin analyses in some home produced eggs in Belgium reveal small contribution to the total daily intake.,
, Sci Total Environ, 2009 Jul 15, Volume 407, Issue 15, p.4411-8, (2009)
PCB and organochlorine pesticides in home-produced eggs in Belgium.,
, Sci Total Environ, 2009 Jul 15, Volume 407, Issue 15, p.4430-7, (2009)
PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs in home-produced eggs from Belgium: levels, contamination sources and health risks.,
, Sci Total Environ, 2009 Jul 15, Volume 407, Issue 15, p.4419-29, (2009)
Analysis of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in home produced eggs: levels and sources. ,
, 28th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and POPs, 0/0/2008, Volume 70, Issue Stuart Harrad, p.000898, (2008)
Brominated flame retardants in Belgian home-produced eggs: Levels, sources and contamination pathways.,
, SETAC Europe 18th Annual Meeting, 0/0/2008, Issue society of environmental toxicology and chemistry, NA, (2008)