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Filters: Author is Ilse Van Overmeire
Chemical contamination of eggs from free range hens, a joint study by WIV and CODA: preliminary discussion of POPs levels, Van Overmeire, Ilse , Worksop chemische contaminantia en voeding, 0/0/2012, Issue WIV-CODA, NA, (2012)
Chemical contamination of home produced eggs in Belgium. , Van Overmeire, Ilse, Hanot V., Huysmans G., Marchi J., Hellebosch L., Van Wouwe N., and Goeyens L. , Scientific report WIV 2006/2007, 0/0/2012, Volume nvt, p.47, (2012)
Development and application of a fast method for the determination of nicotine, cotinine and 3-hydroxycotinine in urine to detect active and passive exposure to tobacco smoke, De Cremer, Koen, Van Overmeire Ilse, and Van Loco Joris , 0/0/2012, Volume 2, Number 74, Brussels, p.72 - 74, (2012)
Factors Influencing Benzene Formation from the Decarboxylation of Benzoate in Liquid Model Systems, R. Vinci, Medeiros, De Meulenaer B., Andjelkovic Mirjana, Canfyn Michael, Van Overmeire Ilse, and Van Loco Joris , J.Agric.Food Chem., 14/8/2012, Volume 59, Issue 24, Number 12981, p.12975 - 12981, (2012)
On the importance of correcting urinary cadmium results obtained by ICP-MS for MoO interferences, De Cremer, Koen, Van Overmeire Ilse, and Van Loco Joris , 37 th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 0/0/2012, Issue University of Antwerp,Department Chemistry, NA, (2012)
Inquiries on the action mechanism of brominated flame retardants: Ah-receptor mediated activity of selected flame retardants, Van Overmeire, Ilse, Brown D.J., Chu M.D., Clark G.C., and Goeyens L. , Dioxins in the Air, 0/0/2012, Issue institute for environment and sustaionability,Vlaanderen, NA, (2012)
Stellen de voedingsstoffen en hun verpakkingen een probleem voor de volksgezondheid? Welke analytische aanpak kunnen we best gebruiken. , Goeyens, L., Van Overmeire Ilse, Degroodt J-M, Baeyens W., and Lox F. , Pack News, 0/0/2012, Volume nvt, Issue 137, p.55, (2012)
A targeted proteomics method to detect urinary biomarkers of kidney disease, Fraselle, Stéphanie, De Cremer Koen, Vanmassenhove J., Glorieux G., Van Overmeire Ilse, Bolle F., Van Loco Joris, Van Biesen W., and Vanholder R. , BePAC (1st Conference of the Belgian Proteomics Association), 0/0/2012, Issue BePA, NA, (2012)
An update of the activities of the human biomonitoring programme at the Scientific Institute of Public Health , Van Overmeire, Ilse , Tuesday Seminar, 0/0/2012, Issue Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Belgium, (2012)
Benzeen in voedingsmiddelen, Van Overmeire, Ilse, R. Vinci Medeiros, and Van Loco Joris , LabInfo, 0/12/2010, Volume 5, Number 21, p.20 - 21, (2010)
Benzene formation in Foods, R. Vinci, Medeiros, Jacxsens L., De Meulenaer B., De Schaetzen T., Canfyn Michael, Van Overmeire Ilse, and Van Loco Joris , Exchange on Open Innovation for Feed, Food and Health, 0/0/2010, Issue University Gent, (2010)
Benzene frequently found in foods. Do we underestimate the exposure to benzene from the food chain?, R. Vinci, Medeiros, Jacxsens L., De Meulenaer B., De Schaetzen T., Canfyn Michael, Van Overmeire Ilse, and Van Loco Joris , Effost Conference Food and health, 0/0/2010, Issue International Union of Food Science and Technology, NA, (2010)
Determination of benzene in different food matrices by distillation and isotope dilution HS-GC/MS, R. Vinci, Medeiros, Canfyn Michael, De Meulenaer B., De Schaetzen T., Van Overmeire Ilse, de Beer J.L., and Van Loco Joris , Analytica Chimica Acta, 0/0/2010, Volume 672, Issue 1-2, Number 129, p.124 - 129, (2010)
Fast and sensitive detection of nicotine metabolites using on-line SPE-UPLC-MS-MS technique, De Cremer, Koen, Van Overmeire Ilse, and Van Loco Joris , From Human Biomonitoring to Policy: a sustainable 'marriage' between health and environment,, 0/0/2010, Issue Vlaamse Gemeenschap, NA, (2010)
Use of on-line SPE-UPLC-MS-MS techniques to strengthen and economize human biomonitoring studies, De Cremer, Koen, Van Overmeire Ilse, and Van Loco Joris , Human Biomonitoring: Political Benefits - Scientific Challenges, 0/0/2010, Issue UBA, NA, (2010)
Assessment of the chemical contamination in home-produced eggs in Belgium: general overview of the CONTEGG study., Van Overmeire, Ilse, Pussemier L, Waegeneers Nadia, Hanot V, Windal I, Boxus L, Covaci A, Eppe G, Scippo M L., Sioen I, et al. , Sci Total Environ, 2009 Jul 15, Volume 407, Issue 15, p.4403-10, (2009)
Brominated flame retardants in Belgian home-produced eggs: levels and contamination sources, Covaci, A., Roosens L., Dirtu A.C., Waegeneers Nadia, Van Overmeire Ilse, Neels H., and Goeyens L. , Sci.Total Environ., 15/7/2009, Volume 407, Issue 15, Number 4396, p.4387 - 4396, (2009)
Determination of benzene in different food matrixes by distillation and isotope dilution HS-GC/MS, R. Vinci, Medeiros, Canfyn Michael, De Schaetzen T., Van Overmeire Ilse, De Meulenaer B., and Van Loco Joris , 4th international Symposium in Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA), 0/0/2009, Issue international Association of environmental analytical chemistry, NA, (2009)
Mycotoxin analyses in some home produced eggs in Belgium reveal small contribution to the total daily intake., Tangni, Emmanuel, Waegeneers Nadia, Van Overmeire Ilse, Goeyens L, and Pussemier L , Sci Total Environ, 2009 Jul 15, Volume 407, Issue 15, p.4411-8, (2009)
PCB and organochlorine pesticides in home-produced eggs in Belgium., Windal, I, Hanot V, Marchi J, Huysmans G, Van Overmeire Ilse, Waegeneers Nadia, and Goeyens L , Sci Total Environ, 2009 Jul 15, Volume 407, Issue 15, p.4430-7, (2009)
PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs in home-produced eggs from Belgium: levels, contamination sources and health risks., Van Overmeire, Ilse, Waegeneers Nadia, Sioen I, Bilau M, De Henauw S, Goeyens L, Pussemier L, and Eppe G , Sci Total Environ, 2009 Jul 15, Volume 407, Issue 15, p.4419-29, (2009)
Analysis of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in home produced eggs: levels and sources. , Van Overmeire, Ilse, Eppe G., Waegeneers Nadia, Pussemier L., Goeyens L., De Temmerman L, and Van Loco Joris , 28th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and POPs, 0/0/2008, Volume 70, Issue Stuart Harrad, p.000898, (2008)
Brominated flame retardants in Belgian home-produced eggs: Levels, sources and contamination pathways., Covaci, A., Dirtu A.C., Roosens L., Waegeneers Nadia, Van Overmeire Ilse, Neels H., and Goeyens L. , SETAC Europe 18th Annual Meeting, 0/0/2008, Issue society of environmental toxicology and chemistry, NA, (2008)

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