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Functional and comparative analysis of two distinct ecdysteroid-responsive gene expression constructs in Drosophila S2 cells4409, Poels, J, Martinez A.J., Suner M.M., De Loof A., Dunbar S.J., and J. Broeck Vanden , Insect Biochem.Mol.Biol., 0/5/2004, Volume 34, Issue 5, Number 458, p.451 - 458, (2004)
Glucocorticoid-inducible gene expression vectors for use in Drosophila melanogaster Schneider 2 cells4410, Poels, J, Martinez A.J., Suner M.M., De Loof A., Dunbar S.J., and J. Broeck Vanden , Insect Mol.Biol., 0/4/2004, Volume 13, Issue 2, Number 211, p.205 - 211, (2004)
Insect basic leucine zipper proteins and their role in cyclic AMP-dependent regulation of gene expression4404, Poels, J, and J. Broeck Vanden , Int.Rev.Cytol., 0/0/2004, Volume 241, Number 309, p.277 - 309, (2004)
Isoforms of cyclic AMP response element binding proteins in Drosophila S2 cells4408, Poels, J, Franssens V., Van Loy T., Martinez A.J., Suner M.M., Dunbar S.J., De Loof A., and J. Broeck Vanden , Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun., 23/7/2004, Volume 320, Issue 2, Number 324, p.318 - 324, (2004)
Neuroendocrinological and molecular aspects of insect reproduction4406, Simonet, G., Poels J, Claeys I., Van Loy T., Franssens V., De Loof A., and J. Broeck Vanden , J.Neuroendocrinol., 0/8/2004, Volume 16, Issue 8, Number 659, p.649 - 659, (2004)
Structure, evolutionary conservation, and functions of angiotensin- and endothelin-converting enzymes4405, Macours, N., Poels J, Hens K., Francis C., and Huybrechts R. , Int.Rev.Cytol., 0/0/2004, Volume 239, Number 97, p.47 - 97, (2004)
Substitution of conserved glycine residue by alanine in natural and synthetic neuropeptide ligands causes partial agonism at the stomoxytachykinin receptor4407, Poels, J, Van Loy T., Franssens V., Detheux M., Nachman R.J., Oonk H.B., Akerman K.E., Vassart G., Parmentier M., De Loof A., et al. , J.Neurochem., 0/7/2004, Volume 90, Issue 2, Number 478, p.472 - 478, (2004)
Identification of G protein-coupled receptors in insect cells484, J. Broeck, Vanden, Poels J, Simonet G., Dickens L., and De Loof A. , Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci., 15/5/1998, Volume 839, Number 128, p.123 - 128, (1998)

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