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Augmented and doubly robust G-estimation of causal effects under a Structural nested failure time model., Mertens, Karl, and Vansteelandt Stijn , Biometrics, 2017 Jul 25, (2017)
European Antibiotic Resistance Surveillance Network (EARS-Net Belgium), Report 2017, Struyf, Thomas , 11/2017, Number 46, Brussels, Belgium, p.46, (2017)
National Surveillance of Infections acquired in Intensive Care Units: Annual Report 2015, Mertens, Karl , 09/2017, Brussels, Belgium, p.10, (2017)
Nationale Surveillance van Nosocomiale Infecties in Intensieve Zorgen, Protocol HELICS België (inc addendum), Mertens, Karl, Suetens C., Morales I., and Catry Boudewijn , March 2017, Brussels, Belgium, p.55, (2017)
Protocole d’étude Surveillance des Infections Nosocomiales aux Soins Intensifs, Protocole HELICS Belgique (inc addendum), Mertens, Karl, Suetens C, Morales I., and Catry Boudewijn , March 2017, Brussels, Belgium, p.54, (2017)
Surveillance Nationale des Infections du Site Opératoire NSIH protocol (Novembre 2010) & Addendum (2017), Mertens, Karl , Nov 2010, 2017, Brussels, Belgium, p.22, (2017)
Surveillance of ICU - Acquired Infections: National Feedback Report - Risk Factor Indicators - Year 2015, Mertens, Karl , 20/04/2017, Brussels, Belgium, p.42, (2017)
Surveillance of ICU-acquired Infections, National Feedback Report, Year 2016, Mertens, Karl , Dec 2017, Brussels, Belgium, p.29, (2017)
Development of a standardized infection ratio for the national surveillance of nosocomial infections in neonatal intensive care units., Mertens, Karl, and Mahieu L. , Surveillance working group of the national college of neonatology, 14/5/2013, Issue Haumont,D., (2013)
Infections acquired in intensive care units: results of national surveillance in Belgium, 1997-2010., Mertens, Karl, Morales I, and Catry Boudewijn , J Hosp Infect, 2013 Jun, Volume 84, Issue 2, Number 125, p.120-5, (2013)
National surveillance of nosocomial infections in neonatal intensive care units in Belgium (Neo-KISS), Mahieu, L., Cossey V., Mertens Karl, Haumont D., Naulaers G., and Quoilin Sophie , Diagnose en surveillance van infectieuze aandoeningen, 21/11/2013, Issue Quoilin,S., NA, (2013)
Nationale surveillance van post-operatieve wondinfecties., Mertens, Karl , Regionale werkgroep ziekenhuishygiene Vlaams-Brabant Limburg, 18/2/2013, Issue Schuermans,A., (2013)
Fifty percent reduction of MRSA incidence in Belgian acute care hospitals: yes we can!, Jans, B., Catry Boudewijn, Costers M., Mertens Karl, Simon A., and Denis O. , European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 1/4/2012, Issue European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, NA, (2012)
Indicators for surveillance of healthcare-associated infections in neonatology, Mertens, Karl, and Mahieu L. , National College of Neonatology, annual meeting, 19/6/2012, Issue Haumont,D., (2012)
Logiciel NSIhwin pour la surveillance nationale des infections liées aux soins dans les hopitaux Belges, manuel d'utilisation version 4.10, Mertens, Karl , 1/11/2012, Brussels, p.24, (2012)
National surveillance of ICU-acquired infections in Belgium, Mertens, Karl , ECDC HAI-ICU annual network meeting, 21/6/2012, Issue European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, NA, (2012)
Nationale surveillance van infecties verworven op eenheden voor intensieve zorg, Jaarrapport 2011., Mertens, Karl , 1/11/2012, Brussels, p.67, (2012)
Nationale surveillance van post-operatieve wondinfecties, Mertens, Karl , 22e dag van de ziekenhuishygiëne, 6/12/2012, Issue UZ Gent, NA, (2012)

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