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Filters: Author is L. Tesolin
O-acetyl content testing in meningoccocal vaccine from an OMCL perspective,
, OMCL annual meeting, (2019)
Use of non compendial reference standard for multi-valent vaccines,
, 13th international symposium on pharmaceutical reference standard, EDQM , Strasbourg (France), (2019)
Determination of Hib-TT Molecular Size Distribution: case study,
, WHO 1st NCLs Annual Meeting, India, Issue WHO, (2017)
HEXACIMA/HEXYON/HEXAXIM trade mark: OOS Hib PRP , investigation update and final outcome,
, OMCL annual meeting, (2017)
Quality Control of Polysaccharide Vaccines by the Belgian National Control Lab (OMCL) in the European Batch Release Framework : Activity Report 2016,
, 2017, Brussels, Belgium, p.59, (2017)
Ensuring batch continuity of non-compendial reference & standard materials from biological origin,
, OMCL Annual Meeting 2016, 26/5/2016, Issue European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM),Council of Europe, NA, (2016)
Handling and use of non-compendial reference standards in the OMCL network,
, OMCL Annual Meeting 2016, 25/5/2016, Issue European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM),Council of Europe, NA, (2016)
Le controle de qualité des vaccins et produits dérivés du sang,
, 26/9/2016, (2016)
Batch release of vaccines in Europe: from method transfer to first commercial batch available on the market. Straightforward approach that requires a proactive mind-set of the manufacturer.,
, PDA Europe Conference Vaccines. Featuring WHO on Challenges in Vaccines Supply to Developing Countries, 0/11/2015, Issue PDA Europe, Berlin, Germany, (2015)
Batch release procedure in Europe,
, Quality control and batch release of vaccines and blood products in Europe, 0/0/2015, Issue WIV-ISP, (2015)
Brief update on Malaria vaccine art 58 OCABR guideline,
, Annual OMCL meeting, 0/0/2015, Issue EDQM, NA, (2015)
Formation des autorités tunisiennes dans le cadre du renforcement des capacités en matière de l'activité d'octroi des visas des vaccins, sérums et produits biologiques,
, 12/10/2015, (2015)
Hexaxim/Hexacima/Hexyon: polysaccharide content results: OOS,
, Annual OMCL meeting, 0/0/2015, Issue EDQM, NA, (2015)
Quality Control of polysaccharide Vaccines by the Belgian National Control Lab (OMCL) in the European Batch Release Framework : Activity Report 2014,
, 2015, Brussels, Belgium, p.73, (2015)
Vaccine identity testing at National Control Lab,
, Annual OMCL meeting, 0/0/2015, Issue EDQM, NA, (2015)
Les vaccins : contrôles approfondis,
, Vaxinfo, 3/9/2014, Volume 69, Number 10, p.7 - 10, (2014)
Quality Control of Polysaccharide Vaccines by the Belgian National Control Lab (OMCL) in the European Batch Release Framework : Activity Report 2013,
, 2014, Brussels, Belgium, p.74, (2014)
Veiligheid vaccins - Verregaande controle,
, Vaxinfo, 3/9/2014, Volume 69, Number 10, p.7 - 10, (2014)
Quality control of polysaccharide vaccines by the Belgian National Control Lab (OMCL) in the European batch release framework: activity report 2012.,
, 0/10/2013, Brussels, Belgium, p.49, (2013)
Regulatory issues regarding manufacture and control of vaccine adjuvants. The EU situation.,
, Modern Vaccines/adjuvants Formulation: Impact On Future Development, 17/5/2013, Issue Herriot,J., Vanden Bossche,G., Lausanne, Switserland, (2013)
Infanrix Hexa supply situation within EU and related issues,
, Annual OMCL meeting, 0/0/2011, Issue EDQM, NA, (2011)
Hib vaccine long term stability results,
, Annual OMCL meeting, 0/0/2010, Issue EDQM, NA, (2010)