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Filters: Author is L. Tesolin
O-acetyl content testing in meningoccocal vaccine from an OMCL perspective, Tesolin, L., and Van Molle Wim , OMCL annual meeting, (2019)
Use of non compendial reference standard for multi-valent vaccines, Tesolin, L., and Bellini Silvana , 13th international symposium on pharmaceutical reference standard, EDQM , Strasbourg (France), (2019)
Ensuring batch continuity of non-compendial reference & standard materials from biological origin, Tesolin, L., Domicent C., and Lejeune M. , OMCL Annual Meeting 2016, 26/5/2016, Issue European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM),Council of Europe, NA, (2016)
Handling and use of non-compendial reference standards in the OMCL network, Tesolin, L. , OMCL Annual Meeting 2016, 25/5/2016, Issue European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM),Council of Europe, NA, (2016)
Le controle de qualité des vaccins et produits dérivés du sang, Tesolin, L. , 26/9/2016, (2016)
Batch release of vaccines in Europe: from method transfer to first commercial batch available on the market. Straightforward approach that requires a proactive mind-set of the manufacturer., Van Molle, Wim, Tesolin L., Brusselmans Koen, and Waeterloos Geneviève , PDA Europe Conference Vaccines. Featuring WHO on Challenges in Vaccines Supply to Developing Countries, 0/11/2015, Issue PDA Europe, Berlin, Germany, (2015)
Batch release procedure in Europe, Tesolin, L. , Quality control and batch release of vaccines and blood products in Europe, 0/0/2015, Issue WIV-ISP, (2015)
Brief update on Malaria vaccine art 58 OCABR guideline, Tesolin, L. , Annual OMCL meeting, 0/0/2015, Issue EDQM, NA, (2015)
Formation des autorités tunisiennes dans le cadre du renforcement des capacités en matière de l'activité d'octroi des visas des vaccins, sérums et produits biologiques, Janssen, M, and Tesolin L. , 12/10/2015, (2015)
Hexaxim/Hexacima/Hexyon: polysaccharide content results: OOS, Tesolin, L. , Annual OMCL meeting, 0/0/2015, Issue EDQM, NA, (2015)
Quality Control of polysaccharide Vaccines by the Belgian National Control Lab (OMCL) in the European Batch Release Framework : Activity Report 2014, Tesolin, L., and Van Molle Wim , 2015, Brussels, Belgium, p.73, (2015)
Vaccine identity testing at National Control Lab, Tesolin, L. , Annual OMCL meeting, 0/0/2015, Issue EDQM, NA, (2015)
Infanrix Hexa supply situation within EU and related issues, Tesolin, L. , Annual OMCL meeting, 0/0/2011, Issue EDQM, NA, (2011)

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