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Maria Cristina Garcia Graells
Cristina Garcia Graells has started her carreer in Sciensano in 2013 as scientific collaborator in the Antimicrobial Unit in the Food Pathogens service. She is responsible of the annual monitoring and reporting of antimicrobial resistance in zoonotic and commensal bacteria from food and food producing animals and she is responsible of the NRL AMR. In this context, she has participated, several years, as AMR expert for EU and EFTA countries audits. In 2020 she becomes reponsible of NRL Salmonella.
Before joining Sciensano, she has worked in Erasme Hospital, in the Microbiologie service, unit AMR in several research projects.
She holds a Doctorate in Applied Biological Sciences (PhD). Faculty of Bioscience Engineering. Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems. Center for Food and Microbial Technology. Catholic University of Leuven (KUL).
She obtained a Master degree in Veterinary (MD), Option: Bromatology and Food Technology. Faculty of Veterinary. University of Zaragoza (Spain).
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